
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Who's to blame?

The Democratic party is engaged in a spirited debate and self examination after getting shellacked in the recent national election. The moderates are blaming the progressives and excessively woke, and the progressives are blaming the moderates for not appealing with the working class.

I was reading this article the other day and couldn't help reacting to this sentence:

...for Ken Martin, chair of the Minnesota Democratic-Labor-Farmer Party and a candidate to lead the Democratic National Committee next year, the election represented “a damning indictment” for the Democratic Party.

“People do not believe that the Democratic Party is fighting for them or for their families or gives a damn about their lives,” Martin told The Associated Press. “We lost ground with almost every group except wealthy households and college-educated voters.”

I agree. Liberals need to make more ground with the poor dumbshits.


I have little doubt that Trump will carry through on his threats to send the Justice Department and military after his political opposition in both the government, media and citizenry. 

There are already calls to make military leaders, prosecutors and journalists walk the plank.

The question is if we will hear a peep from the republican Senate and any sane souls that remain in the party if he commences with the firing squad idea. 

You know the House GOP will be on board, that is a given.

I would like to think that I am hopeful that wiser heads will speak up if it turns out that it is 1939 but I kind of doubt they will. They rarely if ever do.

"We thought he was just yukking it up. How were we supposed to know that he was serious?"


Today a group of Senate Republicans gave Pete Hegseth a rousing endorsement after a meeting where they decided not to even look into the giant heap of sexual allegations against the nominee. 

The guy's own mother says he is an abusive misogynist but we will just look the other way because the right is so fascinated with the whole macho proud boy incel thing right now.

And you thought Idiocracy was just a movie?

1 comment:

Jon Harwood said...

Can't really talk about history until it is history. Still, I have this sinking feeling that we crossed the Rubicon with this election and may well have crossed the tipping point where democracy begins to be steadily and irrevocably eroded.

Too bad for us, but that is the penalty the Democratic Party purchased when it steadily shifted from a reliable protector of common people to an unwieldy collection of special interest racial and cultural groups. Somewhere on the grave stone of the Democrats Party the word "Latinx" should figure prominently as an enduring memory of the kool aid of political correctness.

Looks like we are heading toward an Oligarchy that uses the Republican Party like a spray can loaded with LSD to keep the unwashed masses trembling with rage at the trangender Mexican invaders.