
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, December 9, 2024

Waiting for discovery

I thought that this was an interesting story but don't ask me why? I sent it to my friend Shawn in Thailand and he was a bit perplexed as to why I would send it to him in the first place? Sorry man, I'm looking for clues.

The authorities have released this woman's picture and a picture of the curious tattoo on her arm in hopes of identifying her. 

She was hit by a train in Carlsbad this year.

Now my first thought was that many people hit by trains wish to be hit by trains. Same with single car accidents, many are actually suicides but that is a topic for another day. Do look up Aubrey McClendon, Chesapeake Energy. People do themselves in and it gets filed as an accident. State of mind is impossible to deduce, at least at present.

But back to this lady, still no i.d. and curiously, no fingerprints.

SAN DIEGO (FOX 5/KUSI) — The San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office is asking for the public’s help in identifying a woman hit by a train last summer in Carlsbad.

The incident occurred on Aug. 12 around 7:30 p.m. near the Carlsbad Boulevard bridge, according to the County of San Diego.

The woman is described as a white woman with curly brown hair and brown eyes between 50 and 60 years old. She stood 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighed about 110 pounds.

In any case, my interest was actually on the tattoo itself, like some sort of codex or rosetta stone waiting to be transcribed. Now I am not an ink guy but I am in the distinct minority today and it seems to be the current currency of the realm, like the ever present nose ring. Wouldn't leave the house without it. 

People put the most ghastly tattoos on themselves. This one isn't bad but I am sorry to say that the meaning might be only recognizable to the owner or perhaps to the person who gave it to her, unless she did it herself?

It sort of reminds me of a magic square of some kind.

This is the Sator or Templar Magic Square, found on a medieval church in France and throughout occultist lore. 

It actually dates back as far as Pompeii, AD 62, if not farther.

Sato - Arepo - Tenet - Opera - Rotas.

I first saw it depicted in Rick Griffin's Tales from the tube comic but he later expunged the translation in later editions as pre-sumerian mumbo jumbo.

It is translated by him as The creator, slow moving, maintains his creations as vortices. 

I can't say that I understand that fully but it does explain something about the antediluvian pace of this world of ours.

But there are a hundred other equally viable and divergent translations, I sort of like the poetry of this one: For Peter even guilty the rose of Sharon is open.

34 square

My dad loved to play with magic squares.

So what does hers say?

Well, admittedly, there is a vertical column to the left that we can not see which might provide a necessary clue or two. But, we have to go with what we got, here goes, vertically, left to right, it seems to read Epopt - Troy - Harpy - Nicr - Kalee with an om below. Of course, Harpy might be happy, might be some ink blur involved. Horizontally it reads E H A - Ptanl - Orrie or Oppie - Peppy - Tyyk.

I've looked at it, I am at a loss. The diagonals look equally murky. Somebody had to love this woman and knows her along the way. There can't be two of these tattoos in the world or can there? Any blast people care to put your Sherlock Holmes cap on and deduce?


There are lots of remarkable archaeological discoveries taking place in the world. New 2100 year old tomb discovered in Egypt dedicated to the goddess Repit, new pyramid in Mexico, the consort of Min-ra. Iron age weapons unearthed in Denmark, way too many stories to count.

I thought that this one was interesting, a new language found on a tablet that has no link to anything we have ever discovered.

“Generally, the Bashplemi inscription does not repeat any script known to us; however, most of the symbols used therein resemble ones found in the scripts of the Middle East, as well as those of geographically remote countries such as India, Egypt, and West Iberia,” noted researchers in the Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology.

Partial resemblances have been observed with the Proto-Kartvelian script from the 4th millennium BCE and seals from pre-Christian Georgia. Additionally, some symbols echo elements of early Caucasian scripts, such as Georgian Mrgvlovani and Albanian alphabets, as well as systems from the Near East, including Phoenician and Proto-Sinaitic. However, the Bashplemi inscription is not a direct replica of any known writing system, suggesting it may represent a unique or locally developed script.

This tablet was found on a volcanic plateau in Georgia. It is approximately 3500 years old. Linguists believe that the letters are read right to left.

Scientists and etymologists say that the lost tongue is a forgotten language of the land of Kalašma, an area that likely corresponds to an area of what is now Northern Turkey. Several tablets from the area have been unearthed in the last few years.

Eat at Yaacobs, Good grub, mastadon on special Second cup of coffee free...?

It dates to the late bronze or early iron age. Made with a conical drill from basalt. Lovely, competent lettering skills. But just what does it say?

Maybe I am just weird but I find it fascinating to find pre-sumerian cuneiform with symbols that are absolutely intelligible to us hominid bipeds. Like alien script. 

Or the note on the woman's forearm.

Miztec Codex Bodley - circa 1500 b.c.e.


Blue Heron said...

From G. Hall - l to r - Lilly, (E) pop (with cross), troy, harry, nick, kalee

Blue Heron said...

Makes perfect sense Jerry, don't know why I couldn't see it. Good job.

Finest said...

It says "If you can read this your traveling to close to my bumper".

A. Kreskin