
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, December 19, 2024


Not quite ready to put 2024 in the tank but we are certainly approaching that point. It was a difficult year, in many respects, and I can only hope that things will get easier in 2025 for me and the people in my life.

Unless I have a huge creative writing burst, which I really can't foresee coming, this will be my lowest output year on the blog since 2017. Which is fine with me, I long ago stopped caring about my productivity. 

I don't get paid enough to care, in fact I don't get paid anything. 

Before you know it we will have seven million views, which is sort of astounding to me, even with all the Singapore bot traffic.

You would think that people had better things to do.


It slipped my mind that we run an annual photo of the year contest on the blast. Usually start it end of November. I forgot.

It wasn't a banner year for me photographically but I got some decent shutter pushes along the way. One of the high points was being on the water the day the dolphins started jumping.


Send me something if you feel like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope that this year will bet a better one than last year. Maybe you and Leslie could visit me. There is simply no way I can travel. Mg bought my cremation service this week. I would rather see you than not before i use it. I have finished the year with almost two weeks in a hospital being worked on for heart failure.