
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Jacket Jive

 Pat Shubin sent me this page from my Oxnard High graduating class yearbook of 1975. 

I guess I was part of some creative writing venture, I have no memory of same. The theme was following directions which was never exactly my forte but it does say somewhere in the fine print that satire was permissible. I may have contributed some artwork.

Years earlier at Desert Sun I was suspended for creating an underground comic called Duck Fat that depicted the administration in a poor light. The fat really hit the teacher when it was determined that I had engaged a very sweet faculty member, teacher George Creelman, to mimeograph the comic and distribute it. He got in trouble. Sorry George, that wasn't right, my bad. Damn instigator.

I am the long haired ringleader front and center surrounded by young lasses. Not sure why I was wearing the Steinem style specs. This was after a major bout of hepatitis that almost killed me. I think I weighed about 130 lbs. when this was shot and it was mostly hair.

When I moved back the year before from New York with my jewfro, people had never seen anything really like it in these parts. It was a real source of amusement for the jocks and muggles.  I cut approximately 14" off before this picture, it stretched all the way down my back.

I lived in Oxnard Shores. A few years later it turned out our apartment was sited on top of a Chevron pcb ridden superfund site, might have contributed to my ill health during my time there and subsequently.

Never been back once, no plans in the future.

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