Sunday, December 22, 2024

It's all happening at the zoo (and Wild Animal Park)

So I wasn't going to do the Christmas Bird Count but then my friend Ken Weaver found me a spot at the Wild Animal Park count and I said, "What the hell." 

It required a four o'clock wakeup and out of the house around five. A.M.

I met Stan, the guy that was leading the count at the park and ride at North County Fair and we drove through a special gate at the park. 

There we met three guides from the park that would drive our small groups into the areas where we could count the birds.

It was dark and I was at peak iso, 25,600. Not easy to shoot at that hour and light.

As usual, I was the least competent birder there, tried to make up for it with my good looks, charm and witty repartee.

Our guide asked me what I liked to do birding wise and I said, "Anything but count ducks" and he said, "That is exactly what we are going to do." 

So we went to a large pond and a flotilla of birders pulled out their scopes and counted Canada geese and Snow geese, a lost cackling goose, cackling away, mallards and shovelers, teals and one hooded male merganser. 

How people can count hundreds of birds like that is beyond me, especially in the dark. don't tell anyone but I think that they are actually guessing.

But hey, I am a rank amateur. 

We split up into three groups. I started taking pictures of neat zoo animals since, why not? I haven't been to the park in ages and it is so nice to have it all to yourself before the public is allowed in.

It was a little more barren on the bird front.

We did see an immature western tanager, no great shakes visually. 

A gallinule in a tree. 

Pied billed grebe. 

Lots of turkey vultures. 

A common yellowthroat, uncommonly pretty.

Black crowned night heron.

We drove all the way to the top of the park at the zip line station and saw two magnificent mule deer bucks with large racks, didn't grab a picture.

The neatest thing for me was seeing this pretty green heron.

I missed Ramona Grasslands honestly but no crying over spilled milk. 

This was cool too. And I bet they didn't see a baby rhino? I did.

juvenile black crowned night heron

what am I?
Free trip to the park, how can that be bad?

Superb starling

We saw one bald eagle, but far away. I never saw a zone tailed hawk, some did. They live with the vultures.

I did see some very bizarre humans but that seems like everyday now. Lots of nose rings and face tattoos when the gates opened. 

Thought I heard a few giraffes snicker.

It was nice being out there. 

Tiring but nice. 

Look forward to returning by myself. 

RoxAnn and Mick gifted us some guest passes. 

Want to thank everybody who made it possible, especially Ken.


Anonymous said...

Lovely photos! Good job, Rob!!

Liz Sommers said...

I love that you do stuff like that. I wish that I had your ability. Talk this week?

KAT JOY Figueroa said...

I love the shots of the birds and animals, but they seem a little sad to me. They must have figured out there is a fence around them, and the human species is involved with their now non-free way of living. Did you use a telephoto or zoom lens on the moon (which is an awesome shot)?

Blue Heron said...

They live pretty freely at the WAP, Large enclosures, they hang out together. As close to the real thing as you will get.