Monday, December 16, 2024

Danko Rules

I was listening to the radio the other night when I heard my favorite song by the Band, It makes no difference. But something was off. The voice wasn't quite right. A decent attempt but off. It turns out that Eric Clapton recorded it at the Crossroads Festival last year.

And while it was competently sung and well played, there was something missing, what was it? You can listen to it here, you tell me?

The answer of course, is Rick Danko. Perhaps the most emotive and plaintiff voice of our generation. Powerful and sincere.

All other attempts to cover this song of heartbreak pale and should be banned, for now and the future.


  1. I think you meant plaintive, not plaintiff. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

  2. And you are absolutely correct. Thanks for the correction!
