
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Bird day

I had a few extra hours of free time and drove out to the wildlife area. 

Wasn't a particularly good day for birding but even a bad day birding is better than most.

Great way to get my head together and I forced myself to take the longish hike, which my body needed.

I had a thought come to me at one point that was something on the order of "You'll never know what's out there until you go look." Have to get out there.

I think that things have changed up there since Tom retired. 

There used to be a lot more water in the ponds but I think the Eastern Water district is doing the bare minimum and more interested in selling it to corporate farmers than creating suitable habitat.

So it was slow.

One thing I love about the place is that after all these years, I know pretty much exactly where I will find certain birds, like the tree swallows or these vermilion flycatchers. 

They are year round residents.

This is the immature male to your left, still not in full breeding plumage.

I got pictures of him a few weeks ago also.

And here is a pretty female vermilion taking off.

I found out that my participation in the Audubon Christmas bird count will not be required this year.

I have done it for quite a few years but I think they were looking for a better birder and not a mere half ass bird photographer.

I don't blame them. I will go out somewhere by myself instead. 

I prefer to be alone in nature anyway.

As Jimmy Buffet once said, "It's my own damn fault..."

As I said, not a lot to shoot yesterday. I never even put the good lens on the camera.

Still it was very rewarding.

snowy egret


Northern harrier female
I hope that everybody has a wonderful holiday.

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