
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, November 4, 2024

Let's bring back polio


Many of us, on either side of the political equation, are stressed out by the coming election. Unfortunately, the problem we have is really not with our leaders, it is with each other. So, after Tuesday, the ongoing culture war will continue.

No matter what happens, the chasm between us is so wide, the demonization so great, and the absence of a middle ground so palpable that we are guaranteed to have four more years of political misery.

Why? Well, we have gone through this before but it bears repeating. The twin political silos make so much money on their partisan slants that they can't afford to offend their readership and be neutral and objective. 

Every syllable on Fox is uttered in order to fulfill a prior scripted frame, the Dems are evil and I suppose Democracy Now is similar on the other pole of the equation. 

Once upon a time, we worked together, on both sides of the aisle. Hatch and Kennedy, Rudman, the Concord Coalition, we managed to achieve something for our country and rise above politics. No more. This largely ended with Clinton. From Bush II on, it was ram it through through with sheer political muscle. Obama was as bad as Bush and it got worse from there. 

We are completely polarized. And now a Donald Trump can bitch about immigration and pretend to forget that he killed a bi-partisan fix because he didn't want to see it accomplished on Biden's watch. Great country we have here, filled with imbeciles.

Not garbage per se, just low information dunces who are perfectly content to accept cockamamie conspiracy theories because they no longer have the faculties to process critical information, if they ever did.

And that, unfortunately, is not going to change.

Hungary's Victor Orban is joining his friend Trump in calling for no more war in Ukraine. Which really means total capitulation and letting a murderous aggressor win and take its neighbors land.

Fine world we live in.


Interesting article. Not content merely to control women's ovaries, we are going to make it impossible for women in shitty or abusive relationships to leave their husbands too.
Vance has been outspoken in his disdain for divorce and has blamed it for what he characterizes as the breakdown in the American family. During an event at a California Christian high school three years ago, he claimed that Americans can obtain divorces too easily, shifting "spouses like they change their underwear," and suggested they should remain in unhappy marriages for children's sake. 

“This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, ‘well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that’s going to make people happier in the long term,’” Vance said in a video published by Vice, arguing that the children of those failed marriages bear the brunt of the split.  

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