
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Hail Hydra

It was a tough night for me (and for many in our nation) and looks like it will be one of the worst birthdays imaginable, for a variety of reasons that I don't feel the need to un-peel here.

But I bet that they are popping champagne corks in Moscow, and in Pyongyang too for that matter. 

All hail the new world order!

And please for those responsible, down the road, own this one. It is on you.

1 comment:

Jon Harwood said...

Well, this is interesting. It feels a bit like waking up in a strange country. We have been predicting armageddon for so long, it seems odd not to see the various horsemen galloping about in the sky. It is disorienting as we not have the possibility of an emerging and unstoppable autocracy with an oligarchy below it that makes the important economic calls. Perhaps. Yet perhaps not. That is what gets the weird emotions going. This could turn out not to be as all powerful as it looks but THERE IS NO WAY TO KNOW. I am still working on wrapping my head around it. Does one sign up with the militia and prepare to die on the barricades or does one become sanguine and all wise waiting for the whole thing to collapse of its own weight. To know what to do, here is a link to the Magic 8 Ball: https://www.amazon.com/Themed-Novelty-Fortune-Question-Exclusive/dp/B0149MC426/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2G4KB7AVETVMY&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hr3wqXVxoA21sSuZzPrFRjiHIGd3UTm1xJa_HBJfI2cssPrZneHSzAYAzWdbYgSL8iKv8JW-70ylxsLPEMzbBO3w1PdnpgDDjSlPF1KqcgCpGT91_fuutC2rjQW6x8Zy9oOA64ufI7W6lUTXyUjNKvpAW3eCv5QUuTe628hf2j5cr6pJiijiD48bey3k9uhOkCNvrkOFpr7YWtFRHpk1ND4w7Qx4XqRWXlwfW4b9ALDqSaVY4qtnyPjgQvqezaqt0mgUDA7EYzmivMtnqy4FnphcsBnUDuTrSozrE-7ISa8.90oJwLcsUtqwXGYSon60CdkE7qUVg-pPWadfjPVDh84&dib_tag=se&keywords=magic%2B8%2Bball&qid=1730941342&sprefix=magic%2B8%2Bball%2Caps%2C183&sr=8-5&th=1