
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Costs a lot to win, and even more to lose...

Is this a nightmare we are going to ever wake up from? 

Like an episode of WandaVision or Pleasantville?


Or the movie it most resembles, Idiocracy?

Please tell me it's just a bad dream.

My mother had polio as a child. 

She walked in braces for three years. 

It was terrible, for both her physical and emotional health. 

I know several other people who have suffered from polio during their entire lifetime, Richard B and Suzanne P being two of them. 

Their parents were smart, they knew it all. Didn't believe what the doctors were peddling. They didn't believe in vaccination. And apparently, neither do the American people. 51% are now against mandated vaccination. They got brainwashed during COVID.

Trump is appointing ex junkie, quack loving and vaccine hater RFK Jr. to run HHS. He will have us all drinking bleach and engaging in very high risk behavior in no time. And I'm sorry, there are no credible studies that support ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or any of the other snake oil he is peddling. They have been refuted again and again.

But no matter. Onward we plunge into the bizarre future. All those mainstream skeptics who would rather rely on science and medical facts than the latest craze or cure promoted on X will be sent to re-education camps until they wise up. People will die, of course, but that's all part of god's great plan for them and better luck next incarnation. 

People are honestly going to get hurt by this, just like the people who refused to vaccinate or stop congregating did four years ago but no matter.

Which brings me back to my favorite quote, which I have quoted umpteen times.

And remember boys and girls and lovers of the orange monster, you own this.


Finest said...

There has not been any studies refuting the efficacy of Hydroxy or Ivermection. None. The only 'studies' have come from the likes of Pfizer and Moderna (Ha Ha Ha).
When the hospitals were ordered not to schedule elective surgeries, for months in 2020
their beds went empty. And the death rate overall across all causes went down...
except for a new classification...covid. Every death became...covid.

Kennedy rails against a juggernaut Pharma that 'suggests' injecting 18 different vaccines by the time you are five.

'By these sins you will be known'

Albert Schweitzer

Blue Heron said...



Blue Heron said...

more - https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2801827

Blue Heron said...

New England Journal of Medicine - Treatment with ivermectin did not result in a lower incidence of medical admission to a hospital due to progression of Covid-19 or of prolonged emergency department observation among outpatients with an early diagnosis of Covid-19. (Funded by FastGrants and the Rainwater Charitable Foundation; TOGETHER ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04727424.)

Quick Take