The bacterial infection whooping cough is hitting the nation hard, from Texas to the east coast to California. I have read reports of major breakouts from Boston to Washington. The Bay Area and San Diego are suffering greatly as well.
Because of the anti vaccine kooks.
Recent data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that nationally, whooping cough cases are about five times higher this year compared to last year. In 2023, the U.S. saw 4,809 cases, but as of Nov. 2, there had been 22,240 documented cases.
The spike in cases suggests that the U.S. is starting to return to pre-COVID-19 pandemic patterns, which typically bring more than 10,000 cases per year.
“It’s clear we’re seeing common pre-pandemic illnesses return with a bit of a vengeance. And the reality is, we don’t quite understand exactly why all of that happens,” Dr. Michael Koster, the division director of pediatric infectious diseases at Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence, told The Boston Globe.
Koster said that unvaccinated individuals who are young or elderly are at the highest risk of severe health complications from the infection.
“We’re just seeing a lot more vaccine hesitancy. We’re seeing a lot more vaccine-preventable illnesses that we could be controlling better with vaccines,” he told the Globe.
I think that we can blame the people who politicized Covid for the anti vaccine hysteria. People like RFK Jr. who made the asinine statement that it was created not to hurt Chinese people or Ashkenazi Jews. Or that vaccines cause autism, which they do not.
The World Health Organization (WHO) states online that “vaccination is one of the best ways to prevent diseases,” noting that childhood vaccines save 3.5 to 5 million lives every year.
Vaccines didn't stop people from getting Covid but the evidence is clear and empirical that they kept the vaccinated who contracted the virus from dying at a much higher rate. Compare the red state and blue state data and you can see a huge contrast in mortality. Nationally you were fourteen times less likely to die from Covid if you had been vaccinated than if you had forgone the vaccine.
But now vaccines are part of the vast medical conspiracy and parents are forgoing them. A full 51% of the American populous are now suspicious of vaccines. This will lead to a host of old diseases revisiting us and wreaking havoc on the young and unvaccinated.
It is true that there were complications from the Covid diseases that affected people's hearts in rare cases. But if you look at the numbers, your small chance of damage sure beats dying, something that happened to a lot of unvaccinated people.
Let's see how many diseases we can bring back in the next four years, polio, tuberculosis, whooping cough, diphtheria, chicken pox, tetanus and scarlet fever. With a little luck, we can set healthcare back in our country at least a hundred years.
Idaho health district bans Covid vaccine.
The whoop in whooping cough is a panicky attempt to be able to breathe. For a parent, this is an unimaginably, terrible sound. Kids die, and some are disabled by this disease.