
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Sing out for Linda!

I have an amazing cousin I have never actually met in person. 

Her name is Linda and she sometimes comments on the blog. 

I believe that she is eighty years old. We met through our dna research, she is related on my mom's side, the site says first cousin 1x removed.

Linda lives in Massachusetts, but our family is originally from Rhode Island. She used to own a restaurant in Lenox.

We share a lot of the same passions, one being folk music and the other our politics, which must be baked in genetically.

I believe that she was sort of married once to a guy with a bluegrass band, the Grass Menagerie. It's a long story and I am not going to get into it.

She is so kind that she recently sent me her collected editions of Broadside Magazine, which she has had since 1962.

Broadside is sort of like a bible of folk music.

These songbooks she sent me cover everybody from Woody to Phil Ochs, Zimmy, the whole shebang.

And not content to gifting me these, she sent me a box of vintage Singout magazines as well.  Singout is even older, it started in 1950.

Whenever I hear from Linda I can't help but think of my older sister Liz, who shares much with her cousin. Liz lives in Virginia, I wish they would take the time to get in touch with each other. 

They both had very similar and rather eccentric orbits and are both very smart. Both love country music as did my late mother.

Make it happen, girls!


Linda Roberts Forman said...

Thank you for the great publicity. Yes, I will confirm that I turned 80 in July. HOWWWWW-ever I ain’t no sorry assed geriatric…a bit more biographical data: I am a 4th degree Aikido black belt; I STILL remember all the words to SUBTEXT HOMESICK BLUES; I was at Newport the night Dylan went electric; I had the good fortune to see John Kennedy speak on the stairs of Providence City Hall in 1960, a week before the election. I now live in Rhode Island: The whole family is here, and also, I want to be able to see the salt water any time I please. At 80, my whole life, I have never gotten enough of the Rhode Island Coast line. My main rule of the road is: Take nothing for granted; Anything can happen at any time. Or…as Jackson Browne said: “Don’t think it won’t happen just because it hasn’t happened yet.” My three rules for getting older are: Go to the gym EVERY day; Drink really really good red wine; Keep the rock and roll in your blood. And, Robert, I loved that you were so warm and welcoming when I contacted you. Also, about our shared political heritage…the strangest thing…Grampa Isador, brother of your Grampa-my uncle Martin (Mardko), and Bubby Dora were passionate socialists and went to CAMP GOLDEN RING, a socialist gathering every year, read the DAILY FORWARD in Yiddish (the print edition that is) and Grampa was an ardent Nixon supporter. I maintain that they were the poster children for political schizophrenia. And, I cannot take it up with him now, obviously. Anyway, please send me Liz’s email.
Okay…now back to having a nervous breakdown about the election.

Linda Roberts Forman said...

Postscript: 1)In MY head, Woody Guthrie was the original rapper-“TALKIN’ BLUES”. 2) In MY head, THE LAST WALTZ was the greatest rock movie of all time. 3). In MY head: “Can you say that I’m too old when the angels have stolen my red shoes?”