
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Prime directive

I have been craving a good steak ever since I got back from New Mexico and I came up with a plan. Today I executed it.

I asked my coffee deplorables if they wanted to buy in on a subprimal rib roast. For twenty bucks they would be entitled to two hand cut and trimmed ribeye steaks. Four of them were in, Wagman, Joel, Jim and Paul.

Jim told me to go to the Costco business store in San Marcos, where Fry's used to be. Great selection, no tax and cheaper prices.

I was blown away by what was available down there.

Goat or lamb carcass anybody?

They had a choice rib roast for $168 and a prime for about $220.

I was already worried about taking a beating on this and went with the choice which looked like it had nice marbling.

Sixty dollar difference, I ended up paying about $9.89 a lb. Very tolerable for a nice ribeye.

I didn't really have room to break it down at home and Jim and Debbie said that I could come over and cut into it there.


It was a lot of fun, there was practically no trimming necessary, very little fat and I got fifteen beautiful steaks, about 1 &1/2" thick.

Breaking it down was child's play but I was happy Deb was there because she grew up in a ranching family and gave me support.

I borrowed Joel's vacuum sealer but couldn't get it to work.

No problem, in my prescience I had bought a new Bonsen VS2100 that was delivered this morning and it was quite easy to operate.

Needed one anyway.

Jim came home and poured me a shot of very fine Irish whiskey from his magnificent collection. It would have been very poor form to say no. He likes a bit thinner steak for his barbecue and I let him pick. 

He sears at 750 degrees. Knows his grill.

We will cook one of our steaks up tonight, quick cast iron two minute sear and eight minute oven finish to 115 before the quick reverse sear.

The rest are vacuum sealed and in the freezer. I have high hopes. Rest of the boys will get theirs tomorrow. I gave RoxAnn and Mick one because they are always so good to us. Besides, how much steak can I eat?

Next time we are going to buy the prime and see what the difference is. Dr.  Neon says that he is in for half. I think that this is the way to go.

Will let you know.


Jim said it was an excellent steak tonight. Cooked at 800 degrees.


RoxAnn and Mick's delectable dinner.


postscript II - My wife pointed out that for all my talents as a cook I am a pretty lousy mathematician. My friends got 8 steaks for 80 dollars. My 6 & 1/2 cost me 90. The reality is that I didn't know what the thing would cost or what the breakdown would be. I made a deal, I'm not going to welch on it or ask for more money. I got the premium pick and got to give four good friends a good deal, nothing wrong with that.


Here is how my steak came down last night (notice the overlarge spinalis.) 

I did a quick two minute sear in avo oil in my le creuset enameled cast iron grill.

I then inserted my smart iq thermometer and cooked in a preheated 450° oven for four minutes, when the internal temperature reached 115°. 

I took the steak out of the pan and added fresh sprigs of thyme and rosemary and a big chunk of butter. I learned a new trick, smushed two garlic gloves but didn't take the paper off and added them to the baste. Garlic doesn't burn but infuses the flavor.

When it got real hot I added the steak back and did a quick 2 minute brush over baste.

Wasn't careful, burnt my thumb joint on the pan handle, Leslie grabbed some aloe for the blister.

Anyway, delicious, slightly over the rare to medium rare but the most tender ribeye I have ever eaten and very flavorful.

Prime next.


Blue Heron said...

That was fun! Great idea. Your skill with the knife is impressive!
Thanks for doing all this for everyone.
Debbie Ramsey

RoxAnn said...

Thank you Robert. The steak was a real treat. Grilled ours on the Traeger at 425.

Liz said...

I am jealous