
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

More keeping score

Oblivion? © Rick Griffin Estate

It took approximately 18 years to hit five million views on the blog, give or take. Last April 11th, if you feel the need to fact check.

If things unfold as they appear to be unfolding, the next million will be eclipsed in approximately three hours or so, tomorrow morning at the latest.

I am about eighteen hundred and change off the six million mark. Not like I am going to wait around for it or bake myself a cake, although I probably could.

Insane that the last million took less than five months, maybe I am back to killing it in Ulaanbaatar, my homies there haven't represented in a long time?

Greetings to all of you earthlings, far and wide. We come in peace, with reasonable terms of engagement if things get squirrelly, in any case.


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