
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, August 19, 2024

Long Beach Sunday

I wanted to post some Santa Fe shots but this came up and I will do that later.

Leslie and I got up at three o'clock in the morning Sunday and drove to Long Beach to do the Flea Market. 

Kind of crazy as I have only been back a couple days and have been sick and pretty much exhausted. 

But you got to do what you got to do and I owed Warmboe some money and had to return some things.

My plan was to shop for a couple hours before I set up but I was busy all day and never left the booth. We had a good day, didn't make a ton but I didn't bring a lot either.

Long Beach is the best place on earth for street photography and I was snapping all day. The people up there really let their freak flags fly. All manner of humanity, from Trumpers to the still undetermined.

Here are a few shots of the crazies along with some of my favorite humans, some fairly normal, some off kilter. 

Modern stone age family


Roland and Candace




My sweetheart

This woman actually flashed us.

I love shooting Long Beach!


HeyRoland said...

Great meeting you and Leslie! Looking forward to seeing you in Pasadena!

Ken Seals said...

Cool crowd and photos!