
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Get it together

I think I have figured out my problem, as soon as I start to get my shit together it starts falling apart. I am trying to put my shop back together. It is a two week job basically. I can't unpack the Santa Fe boxes until I get to the Santa Barbara boxes, which I left packed because what's the point if I am going right back on the road?

I literally can't walk through the shop without tripping on something, I just about broke my neck a minute ago.

Too many paintings, too much material. Anyway, when I finally get this place in order it will be time to start the whole cycle again. Luckily I have a month between shows. September is free, a rarity for me.

My fantasy was to go to Wyoming sometime this month and get some wildlife shots in. Tetons and Yellowstone. But I decided to do the responsible thing instead, which is to photograph all my inventory and get it up on the website. I am woefully remiss on that front, way out of date. 

I can't sell it if people can't see it and they certainly can't get in the door. Which is a shame as I have some incredible material right now.

Anyway the new plan is to spend at least three hours a day making sense of the whole mess and making productive progress and inroads and then hitting the camera and website hard. But the truth is that I am exhausted and there is only so much left in the tank. Age might be creeping up on me.

Wish me luck.


The night blooming cereus is really going to town right now under the pindo palm.

Everybody is loving it, including the bees.

Leslie has kept the home front in great shape. I have a few sprinklers to repair but there is always that. Got to go, have to get back to the shop organization after I grab a cup of coffee.

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