
Yellow headed blackbird

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Car Dudes

Even though I am not a car guy, I drink coffee with a bunch of redneck car guys every morning, some of the hotrodders old guys. 

I am the token Jewish liberal, they think it is hilarious. We spend a lot of time triggering each other for amusement. Good friends, we don't let our personal politics get in the way.

On Saturday mornings they meet down at Bonsall in front of the old Daniels Market and check out each others cars. 

Look at the building they are in front of, Banc of California, some one was so dumb they couldn't spell bank properly! 

How effete!

I don't normally go to Bonsall but Willie A. was going to loan me a lens for a shoot tonight. He forgot it, oh well...

Here is Joel's new Hudson truck and Paul's T-bird, which was in the Flubber movie.

This is a very conservative bunch and they crack me up. I just today met the guy in the red Trump hat, Randy. His t-shirt says he is voting for the outlaw and the hillbilly with a giant fist.

Nice guy, I had to get a picture!

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