
Sandhill crane

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday bloviation

I received a very chiding text from a conservative friend, Bruce, who says that the blog is a bore lately, not enough politics. He surmises that I am depressed. Well, I am depressed, as should be every American with an i.q. over 75 that is paying attention. Have at it, Bruce, push my buttons.

Look at the choice we face. A current President, clearly slipping cognitively and an ex President whose policies represent everything I abhor in this country. I said it before, I would vote for Biden's cold corpse over Trump and I mean that.

I believe in our country and I believe in the constitution. I believe in choice and reproductive freedom and freedom of people to love whomever they choose to, regardless of gender. I treasure clean water, clean air and a clean earth. I think people should be allowed to vote and not in artificially gerrymandered districts that takes away their political power.

Trump and the Supreme Court Majority that was hijacked by double dealing McConnell chicanery is a clear threat to all of the things that I cherish.

The GOP could not give a shit about the environment and the last GOP figure that did, Christine Whitman, was purged. They care about one thing, money, and that is enough for a lot of people. So if I am sick of thinking about the prospect of a second Trump term, well, that is my right. I'll write about whatever I want to write about and you don't have to read it.

How about that?


“My point is, God's still up there,” Inhofe said during a 2012 interview during promotion for his book focusing on global warming as “a conspiracy”. “The arrogance of people to think that we, human beings, would be able to change what He is doing in the climate is, to me, outrageous.”

Senator James Inhofe died last week. This buffoon Senator from Oklahoma is a perfect representation of how Republicans feel about the environment. The guy was an ardent climate change denier.

Why?  From his obit:

“With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people?” Mr. Inhofe said in a 2003 speech on the Senate floor. “It sure sounds like it.”

A self-described “one-man truth squad” on the subject, Mr. Inhofe published a 2012 book called “The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future.”

He argued that only God could change the climate, writing that “God is still up there, and He promised to maintain the seasons and that cold and heat would never cease as long as the earth remains.” It was arrogant of human beings to suppose otherwise, Mr. Inhofe contended.

Seriously? Are we still living in the dark ages?  Are the priests and deacons now running the show? So what did Republicans do? They made the buffoon the head of the Senate Environment and Public Works committee. He called the EPA the Gestapo. Personally I find people like this very dangerous. 

And we live in a dangerous time, with PFAS and all sorts of other pollutants coursing through our bodies and water plants and a political party and  a Scotus majority and their base constituency totally content to look the other way. Fake electors, Insurrectionists, lovers of dictators, downstream pollution, Dobbs, Russian sycophants... You want more of the same? Go ahead, vote for the felon.

Yes, I'm depressed. You should be too.


Inside Ziklag - ProPublica

A network of ultrawealthy Christian donors is spending nearly $12 million to mobilize Republican-leaning voters and purge more than a million people from the rolls in key swing states, aiming to tilt the 2024 election in favor of former President Donald Trump.

These previously unreported plans are the work of a group named Ziklag, a little-known charity whose donors have included some of the wealthiest conservative Christian families in the nation, including the billionaire Uihlein family, who made a fortune in office supplies, the Greens, who run Hobby Lobby, and the Wallers, who own the Jockey apparel corporation. Recipients of Ziklag’s largesse include Alliance Defending Freedom, which is the Christian legal group that led the overturning of Roe v. Wade, plus the national pro-Trump group Turning Point USA and a constellation of right-of-center advocacy groups.

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