
Sandhill crane

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Mailbag and this and that...

Shawn in Thailand sends this over, printing photographs on plants.


They used to think oxygen could only be produced by photosynthesis underwater. They were wrong.


Shawn also sends pictures of catfish on a stick. Bangkok?


Speaking of fish, BigDave is in New York City eating at one of my favorite places, Barney Greengrass, the Sturgeon King, with his friend Dave Winer.

I am trying to convince him to go to the met and see the arms and armor show, my favorite.


Ricardo in Thailand wants us to know that the tide doesn't really ebb and flow...


Terry Schurmeier reminds me that the 25th annual Great Southwestern Show is fast approaching. I will try and show up.


We had a lowrider show in Fallbrook Sunday. They left trash everywhere, worst I have ever seen.


Terry D sends a note from Tucson.

Luckily with no swimming pool maintenance fees or chlorine bills.

Just have to share it all with the tad poles and frogs, which is just fine.

Kermit The Frog


My sister Liz sent this - Trump and Martyrdom


Village News put a pic of yours truly in the local paper this week, with arborist and pal Roger Boeddart. 

Thanks to Kent for telling me  about it.


I deleted the post about getting ghosted. My friend saw it and said it was nothing I had done, they needed space.

I took it offline.


Pete Buttigieg on what makes Vance tick? Simple really, $.


Terry DeWald sent me the following:

So true!

Renee lets us know about a blooming corpse flower.


Ted Fleming sends some beautiful pics from Kauai.

Great job, Ted!

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