
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Flora time

It is nice to be back in Fallbrook.

I am finally unloaded and starting to take a breath.

My place is glowing with flowers right now.

Getting back to my "same old used to be."

My suitcase is empty and I already have had a couple bakes in the oven.

Tomorrow I pay bills. But it feels good to finally take the foot off of the gas. I did chair yoga yesterday, which was really good and tougher than it sounds. I walked Los Jilgueros Preserve this morning, on a trail I don't normally take.

Lots of wildflowers blooming. 

Funny, some of these flowers are like rare moths or butterflies, lifespan of a day or a week. So you have to catch them at the right time.

The matilija poppies are really going at it.


One of my goals, more walks after coffee and more yoga classes.

Tom and I went across the river today and I bought an Australian grass plant at Steve's nursery.

I have wanted one for a while.

I will take a picture of it when I get it out of the truck later.

Cool nursery!

Soon I hope to put the phone away and start using a real camera again!

My new xanthorrhoea preissii

Also known as the Australian grass tree. Similar structure to a dasylirion longissimum but not the same.

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