
scrub jay at my feeder

Monday, May 27, 2024

Fallbrook Vintage Car Show 2024

They brought the Fallbrook Car Show back to Main Avenue this year. It was pretty amazing. 

400 cars, I hear as many as 50 thousand people. Not sure if that is accurate or not but there were a whole mess of humans out there and it was a great day for pretty much everybody.

They had the Fords over here, the Model T's there, the rat rods in their own rusty section. It was very cool. We had a Ferrari, Porsche, Maserati, Lotus night years ago, this was the closest to that but with far more cars.

I saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in ages, stopped to talk to a lot of them and had a palm hat made for myself.

Joann Roll knows how to fit a hat!

Saw some new and interesting faces as well as some familiar ones.

It was a good day.

Didn't take a lot of pictures but here are a few.

Cool Ford Phaeton.

This blue 1973 BMW 3.0 CS was my favorite car there, stunning!

Some very nice rides. I like it on Main St., or Avenue. Hope they bring it back, was a fun day.


Ken Seals said...

I was a great event. The photos are very enjoyable to see, since I was there too. Like you, I saw so many of my good Fallbrook friends. That was great!

Mark Goodacre said...

Amazing photos and blog about this event. Thanks for sharing and taking the time creating this. It was good seeing you again!

Stutzy said...

Nice shots -including of me and my girl- Ciao!