
scrub jay at my feeder

Monday, May 6, 2024

Chugging along...

Things are moving forward a little bit in my world. McDaniels sold their maintenance unit, the new guys just mowed my fields. All good. A good house painter just came and applied some much needed to paint to a few places where it was sorely lacking. Taxes are paid for another year, yuck, but we did it. Leslie has a new mini fridge in her shop. Cars have had needed maintenance.

We are making some progress towards normalcy, not quite there yet but have to give ourselves a pat on the back.

We're coming up on our thirtieth anniversary of marriage on the fifteenth, quite a few of you attended. 

Can you believe that it has been that long?

Happy to have made it this far, very happy to be married to my wife. Marriage isn't easy, especially when there is illness and financial difficulty.

Yet we have stuck it out and I am glad. Easier to quit. But we love each other.

We are going to our favorite restaurant for our anniversary, Pampelmousse in Del Mar, after an afternoon whale watching.

They have been seeing all kinds of whales off the coast, including a blue whale on April 6th.

I look forward to getting out on the water.

Loved this story, chimps and herbs.
Ancient typeface rides again.
Donald's Story

1 comment:

Liz said...

I think it is marvelous that you and me and Barbara have all had lasting marriages. You are probably the only one of us who saw either mom or dad in a good marriage. Yes, there have been hard times in my marriage also, but I feel so glad that we worked them through.

I do wish that we had been brought up in happy homes