
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Yo, five million

I used to care about numbers, not so much anymore. However I think I should note that in about two days the blog will officially reach five million views. I might be out of town and will probably not have access to a computer so I mention the milestone now.

I ran across this blogpost the other day and see that it took my seven years to hit one million and roughly eight more to almost hit the five mark. I guess business is picking up?

Not really sure how the view thing works. I know I hit 12 million views on Google + years ago when it signed off but the metrics are very arcane and I certainly don't understand them. Views, schmews.

Suffice it to say that I thank you all for tuning in once again, especially those of you that don't do blogs. Your readership means a lot to me. I don't do facebook or instagram, this is sort of my kitchen table and I am so happy that you came to join me.

We have covered an awful lot of ground.

As long as my loyal readers stay in touch, honestly the number of views are meaningless to me. Who knows how many originate in some Singapore troll farm anyway?

Thanks again.

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