
scrub jay at my feeder

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tuesday afternoon

 When all the English had tails.


Ricardo sent this - Storytelling and PsyOps. I read Cordwainer Smith when I was a young man. A bit too real and prescient.


Lena sends word of the Blue Rock Thrush up in Oregon.


Cruella and Kristi - Petri

Thanks, Mel!


A Nuanced view of Israel - Yair Lapid


A Doctor at Cigna Said Her Bosses Pressured Her to Review Patients' Cases Too Quickly. Cigna Threatened to Fire Her. - Pro Publica


Revealed: Tyson Foods dumps millions of pounds of toxic pollutants into US rivers and lakes.


A couple thanked me today for turning them on to Renegade Nell on the Disney Channel. Leslie and I watched the last episode the other night and really hope that there is another season.

Historical fantasy is not everybody's bag but it does float our boat on occasion. This series is set in 1705 Tottenham England.

Disney + also has a great series on Octopus right now, check it out!


This woke busybody babysitter was fired after telling the kids she was watching that their native American Halloween costumes were cultural appropriation.

Sad state of affairs when kids can't even play cowboys and Indians without some self righteous millennial spoiling all the fun.

Sounds mean but I am glad she lost her job. Next time m.y.o.b.


Speaking of minding your own business. Kansas voters overwhelmingly voted for abortion rights but the GOP won't stop interfering in their decisions. 

Under the newly signed HB2749, abortion seekers will now have to answer a series of personal questions before undergoing the procedure, including questions asking them if they have been raped, if they have an abusive partner, and if the pregnancy is the result of incest. Reproductive rights advocates say the survey is overly intrusive and potentially traumatizing. 


Columbia protesters demand juice and snacks.



Jon Harwood said...

The Lapid article is excellent. We need nuance so desperately it hurts. I particularly liked this:
"Can patriotism not also be defined as questioning the conduct of this war?
Of course it can. I assume what I was reacting to is what I feel is the betrayal of the intellectuals. Meaning that the intellectuals of the West, or some of them, have betrayed the idea of complexity."
So totally true. One would think the sophisticated intellectuals out there ought to comprehend why Israel and the Palestinians are the way they are, instead of dividing the world up into oppressors and victims. Neither side in this is purely one or the other and few people seem to get that.

Blue Heron said...

Still, I would love to hear the protesters mourn, even just once, for the young innocent Israelis killed in the initial attack on October 7th, the women raped and the hostages still missing. Now every baby Zionist must be eradicated before he or she grows up to be a big Zionist. And the wide eyed idealistic Jewish kids who are signing on for the intifada will be in for a rude awakening. Because it is possible that they are next on the hit parade.

Jon Harwood said...

Sure. I is nearly impossible for US people to comprehend A) Jewish history of oppression and B) the impact of the attack upon a small nation of six million or so. If the 9/11 attack had been proportionate to the Israel attack the US could easily have decided to simply obliterate Afghanistan.

Jon Harwood said...

Oops, the population of Israel is closer to 10 million.

Sanoguy said...

Jon H….. we would have obliterated Saudi Arabia… that is where the hijackers were from!