
Yellow headed blackbird

Friday, April 5, 2024

Traffic Tsuris

My wife and I had to go to San Marcos to pay property taxes yesterday and run a few more errands in Vista.

Coming back we ran into the traffic jam of all traffic jams on the S-13 back into town. It took us an hour and twenty minutes to make it from the Daniels market intersection back into town. 3:54 to 5:16 p.m. I missed an important meeting.

Whoever is managing this roadwork is doing a terrible job. I have never seen traffic this bad here in all my years. An ambulance came by at one point and I was worried for whoever needed attention.

I still don't know the cause of the delay. The road was one lane at Green Canyon but it didn't look like any work was being done.


Go south from town at your own peril.

1 comment:

Jon Harwood said...

There was some sort of special hydraulic looking machine set up on the corner of Stage Coach and S. Mission. that reduced Mission from one lane to two. Perhaps plumbing and surely not planned. While there are many reasons an emergency might happen I couldn't help noticing the proximity to the High School; so, I imagined a bag of cherry bombs wired to a cell phone detonator being sent down one of the toilets and causing a geyser of some nature.