
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, April 25, 2024

More current events

Good article at the Harvard Crimson - How dare you re-interpret our religion for us.


Bruce sent this over - Cross-dresser makes children chant 'Free Palestine' during reading session at Massachusetts art center - even though Hamas tortures gays | Daily Mail Online

It raises an interesting point, especially when this is happening at the same time in Iran. CNN -  Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi sentenced to death for protesting. 

Bit of a disconnect, you have to wonder if these left wing protesters have considered what their protest or sexual rights would be like in Iran or Gaza? Oh well.


HuffPo: Conservative SCOTUS Almost Entirely Ignores Pregnant Patients In Emergency Abortion Arguments

Amazing that Justice Alito believes that the rights of an unborn child or fetus trumps that of the mother to survive.

"Nobody is suggesting that the woman is not an individual," Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito said after suggesting that an "unborn child" must take precedence over the pregnant woman in medical emergencies.



Amazing that Bernie Sanders voted against Ukraine Aid. I could never stand the guy and now I like him even less.


Looks like the conservative SCOTUS justices are doing everything they can to slow walk Trumps legal issues and not allow any trials before the election. Total enablers.


Cool to see Mitch McConnell go after Tucker Carlson on his Russian butt smooching.


Kudos to Arizona Republican state representatives Matt Gress, Tim Dunn, and Justin Wilmeth for crossing over and joining Democrats in overturning the 1854 abortion ban. Took a lot of guts but the right thing to do.

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