
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, March 21, 2024


Dave in Japan sent over an email article on discontinued girl scout cookies that is a trip down memory lane. 

Unfortunately, it will not share but this article I found is fairly comprehensive. 

For the record, the Scot teas shortbread with sugar sprinkles (which was discontinued in 1980) was my absolute favorite but I can eat a box or two of thin mints no problem.

Honestly, I never liked the do-si-dos, the peanut butter cookie, but I don't like many peanut butter cookies.


I murdered the Peruvian shrimp dish I tried. Pretty horrible. I blame both me and a horrific recipe.

I should have known. Read it again.

Notice it says grapefruit but doesn't tell you what to do with it. Same with the pasta. Very vague. The ml to ounces conversion was difficult. But the worst part is that maybe a Peruvian could eat 100 grams of the Aji Amarillo paste but it was way too much for me and I love spicy food. Maybe two tablespoons, not seven. I added lime, uncalled for, but something I had seen in other similar recipes and it was too sharp.

Live and learn.

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