Yellow headed blackbird
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Robert Sommers Bird Photography
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Cardiff Narcissus |
I finally got around to putting some of my bird photography on my business website. Anyone interested in checking out or buying a bird photo can look here.
Friday, March 29, 2024
Stay Classy
Many people who drove through downtown Fallbrook today were greeted by this flag.
A random visitor
Love is a kind of warfare. Ovid
As you probably know by now, my shop has been appointment only for well over a decade. In this way I get to regulate who comes over the threshold and sometimes it comes to turning down someone who sends serious danger signals to my trusty asshole meter. It was going off in spades.
Now I could probably make a lot more money if I let people come in at will and had regular hours but we all have to make decisions to protect our mental well being once we are in our sunset years. Money isn't everything. And this guy's persona screamed DICK.
But hey, I have a mortgage to pay and he was eager to come in. I relented.
"Would you like to come in and see the gallery," I asked, as politely as I could. In the next second he barged through the door, beautiful woman three steps behind, brushed past me and made his way to the back of my shop to get a closer look at something or other that had caught his eye. Didn't wait for me, just acted like he owned the place.
I kept an eye on him, that portion of the shop being very crowded and also worrying about the guy both falling and crashing in to something. I chose to talk to his beautiful trophy companion. I heard the slavic accent and asked if she was Czech. It turns out she was Ukrainian. Very sweet. We made small talk, I told her about my maternal Moldovan roots.
He either had to be Italian or Jewish, always hard for me to know which is which. Obviously an ex New Yorker, takes one to know one and I did. Every utterance was patronizing and dismissive, every word a verbal challenge. Kind of like me.
Turns out he was Italian, an ex Prosecutor. A guy who knew it all, I think beneath that tough, brash exterior was a real schmuck. Like I said, takes one to know one.
Anyway I am talking to his girl and he offers up a question. Did I know any men that would like a beautiful Ukrainian mail order girl? He had just the lass in mind.
For some reason I decided to go low with this guy. I didn't like his swagger, the way he commandeered my space.![]() |
Carnal - © Robert Sommers 2024 |
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Further on, down the road.
But honestly, things have been looking up. Good sales, new clients, after a long downturn I am finally taking a breath, paying my bills and getting caught up.
Not sure why exactly, I'm an antique dealer dammit, not a soothsayer.
But I do think the yoga is helping me reconnect with my body and literally giving me an opportunity to breathe.
Nice timeout for me.
To whomever it might concern out there in the universe, including my clients, family, friends and deity of your choice, thank you!
This morning I felt a little tight in the low back and after coffee I drove down to Los Jilgueros Preserve to enjoy a nice walk in nature. Lots of wildflowers blooming and birds chirping, I think it is also going to become a new habit.The sage smelled so good, it is a total sensory experience.
The California redbud is blooming, I haven't had much luck with the one I planted at home. But I checked it when I got home, still alive. Yippee.I know I sound like a broken record but I have spent the majority of my life in the North County, forty four years in Fallbrook and I don't remember a more beautiful spring.
The ceanothus is just brilliant with two or three different gorgeous shades of blue.The hills look truly magical.
And I don't think there is anywhere else in the world where it grows like this, at least that I know of.
All the rain this year did its job.
It is just magnificent.
Of course, life changes.
It will be hot soon and dry again and I will once again be scurrying around trying to pay my bills.
Such is my lot.
But I am sure enjoying this happy spring nonetheless.
My buddy Jeff came by today with his daughter.
He is a couple years older than me, very solid guy and dear friend.
We are sitting on the bench outside my shop bending our ears and shooting and enjoying the breeze when a young migrant fellow with very poor English stops his bicycle and asks us if we know where he can find any meth?
We look like we know where to find meth?
We told him taking meth was not a very good idea and he quickly rode away.
Very strange.
I hope the migrant population isn't getting strung out too. Seen too many friends' children turn into feral wolves on speed and now fentanyl.
I think a famous rock star once said that only fools take medicine when they are well. Hard drugs are really not a good idea, kids. Can't think of a lot of people that they have actually helped.
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
These days...
Michael Calvanese sent over a very interesting piece on fear and the amygdala from Delancey Place.
*Season of the Hawk
I saw one baby red tailed hawk head this morning. The technical word for the hatchling is eyass or eyas. It is difficult to know exactly how many babies are in the nest for a couple weeks. I always get fooled.
I took these shots when it was still pretty dark this morning, 10,000 iso. The new denoise tools in lightroom are pretty remarkable.Should be pretty fun in the weeks ahead.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Keeping it in perspective
Joel sent me this, I think it was floating around the internet. I have not fact checked it but it may very well be accurate. It's not.
The population of Earth is around 7.8 Billion.
For most people, it is a significant figure. However, if you condensed 7.8 billion into 100 persons, and then into various percentage statistics, the resulting analysis is relatively much easier to comprehend.
Out of 100:
11 are in Europe
5 are in North America
9 are in South America
15 are in Africa
60 are in Asia
49 live in the countryside
51 live in a city.
75 have mobile phones
25 do not.
30 have internet access
70 do not have the availability to go online.
83 can read
17 are illiterate.
33 are Christians
22 are Muslims
14 are Hindus
7 are Buddhists
12 are other religions
12 have no religious beliefs.
26 live less than 14 years
66 died between 15 - 64 years of age
8 are over 65 years old.
If you have your own home, eat full meals & drink clean water, have a mobile phone, can surf the internet, and have gone to college, you are in the minuscule privileged lot. (in the less than 7% category)
Amongst 100 persons in the world, only eight live or exceed the age of 65! If you are over 65 years old, be content & grateful. Cherish life. Grasp the moment.
If you did not leave this world before the age of 64, like the 92 persons who have gone before you, you are already the blessed amongst humankind.
Take good care of your health. Cherish every remaining moment.
I decided to fact check one thing that didn't square with me.
Contrary to the meme, about 85% of the world's population now owns a smartphone. World literacy rate is also a bit higher than the meme although I have no idea when it was actually written.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Harry Nilsson
New residents
Leslie and I drove by the red tailed hawk nest Friday evening and both parents were there. There was a lot of activity and mom flew away with half a rabbit in the frenetic moment we shared.
I told her that I had a premonition that we would see babies the next day.
Yesterday I drove by the nest in the rain and mom was feeding.
Wouldn't you know? I can just see the tops of little white heads. Took a few shots and she went back to her job keeping the hatch warm.
Won't be long. Will put my good lens in the car and wait. Happy time for me every year.
By the way, more rain in the forecast for next weekend. It just doesn't stop this year. Which is good.
Saturday, March 23, 2024
I am on Linked In, for some unknown reason. Every once in a while you get a message showing you who has been looking at your profile. The other day I saw that one of the 34 searchers was the Metropolitan Police.
As in Scotland Yard.
Friday, March 22, 2024
Friday Crossfire
Jerry Hall sent this over - Men who bake.
Peter sent this interesting article by Jeff Jacoby, The slashing of Balfour's portrait.
And a Trump description from across the pond.
Joel sent this over. How true.
Andor Legos
Was Cream misunderstood? Disraeli Gears.
Say what you want about Democrats. You rarely hear them seriously considering executing their elected officials. We sort of grin and bear it. It is amazing to think about what is happening in North Carolina, from the Governor's race to this nutcase.
I haven't worked out in years. I have to tell you, I am really loving yoga. Feel so much better, every day!
Doody Call
I saw this comment on NextDoor, worth pondering.
I heard we had a 100,000 extra immigrants in San Diego county, not sure if it is true. There is certainly a homeless epidemic.
Somebody had a beer party behind my store last night and once again, left all their trash back there. Don't say call the sheriff, they do nothing around here for this sort of thing. It is our problem.
And honestly, I can deal with a little trash.Fucking assholes.
Day in the life
Leslie and I spent a day together in San Diego this week.
We dropped off a painting or two at a clients, then went out to Chinese food at Spicy City, her favorite place on Convoy.
Then we went to Swamis to look at the garden and the ocean.
We left Swamis and decided to cap the day off by walking out to the pier in Oceanside.
Were thinking about the new fish and chips place but it was a little too pricey.
Then back home!All good.