
Sandhill crane

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Health Alert

I felt poorly this week but tested for Covid the day before yesterday, all clear. Slight fever but just a cold and scratchy throat. I felt pretty good yesterday actually. However I didn't feel that good this morning. I came home to cook dinner tonight and noticed that I could not smell the garlic and the lemon so I tested again.


My first positive response ever.  I don't really feel that bad physically, thankfully. But hopefully did not give it to anybody else. Not sure when I caught the bug. Maybe Vegas? Thankfully, even though I had no inkling and tested negative, I pretty much stayed home all week in bed until yesterday and limited my exposure.

To any of you that were in close proximity to me at the opening last night, or today, you better test. If you know people that were there that might have health concerns or are immunocompromised please alert them. So sorry,

Robert Sommers

I guess the guy who wouldn't ever get Covid did. Damn. Paxlovid, anybody?


Emergefit said...

Zoinks… couldn’t make it last night, and I’m sure I would’ve given you a big hug and kiss right on the mouth, so I’m glad I didn’t. Hope you feel better, and I hope you can smell the garlic soon… Jhciacb

Jon Harwood said...

Covid is pretty damn nasty. Be careful with it. Get well.

Liz said...

I still have not had Covid. Plenty sick in other ways.

We would love to see you while I am still relatively healthy