
Sandhill crane

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Saturday's Pot roast is full of wine...

I haven't cooked that much lately so I decided to make a nice slow cooked pot roast for tonight. I went to Major Market and found a really nice three lb. plus chuck roast.

After work I went home and dredged and seared. I don't really look at recipes anymore for this kind of thing, but deviated from my normal short rib recipe by adding a dash of Worcestershire, a can of diced tomatoes and what else? 

I asked Leslie if I could use the San Marzano's and she said ixnay, the can was too big. So I used generic tomatoes, russet potatoes I had left over, celery, garlic and three types of carrots.

I have been using chicken broth of late but decided to use beef broth instead.

I bought a cheap bottle of Spanish tempranillo at Grocery Outlet. I like the taste of it in these sorts of dishes.

Salt, pepper, onion salt, thyme, oregano, rosemary and a bay leaf. Simple.

Deglazed, scraped and then added the beef back in. I stuck it in the 375 degree oven for the first couple hours. 

About forty minutes in I remembered that I had forgot to add the mushrooms, tomato paste and fresh rosemary from the garden.

It will probably go about three, three and a half hours, I added what I had forgotten and then reduced the heat to 325.


Juleen's son Gage bagged a deer hunting in Colorado and gifted me a venison backstrap. 

I will cook that tomorrow along with my roasted Brussels sprouts and bacon dish.

I think that it will all be delightful!

Bon appetit and happy eating!

1 comment:

RoxAnn said...

Your roast sounds delicious. I have a beauty in the freezer. Time to thaw it out. ��