
Sandhill crane

Monday, December 18, 2023

Long Beach redux

We got up at three in the morning yesterday and drove to Long Beach to do the flea market. I hate to say it but with the loss of so many California shows I am forced to sell there occasionally in order to make it all work.

The neat thing is that I always have a good time, get to see some very strange people and usually make enough money to make it all work. I split one of Bill's space with Cam and he is moving to Mexico so I will be doing it more and more often.

Some antique dealers are too high and mighty to sell at the souk but I like it, it gets me humble and back to ground level, I get to unload some things I really won't miss and I have a good time bantering with the people.

In fact I am way more relaxed and I have way more fun than at the indoor shows that cost so much to do these days, runs in to the many thousands and if you don't nail it you are screwed. This is where it pays off having a lifetime of inventory.


Yesterday was a trip, next to Cam and Bobbie, his wife. Business started slow and then the people just came in waves and it got better and better and in the end was worth my while.

People watching wasa good but I had some expensive items out and decided not to bring a camera and stay really focussed on my stuff. I finally pulled my phone out in the afternoon.

And got this christmasy patron.

Dee Snider from Twisted Sister came by the booth once or twice.

By the way, Pamela Anderson was in the booth at Santa Barbara a while back.

This guy's shirt won the internet. I guess the band is having a world tour.

Where have I been?

We had another family dressed up as serial killers. Little Chuckie made his own outfit and bloody knife. So sweet!

There is still hope, America!


Perhaps my favorite part of the day, besides making some bread, was looking at the hideous pompadoured wooden bust of a woman diagonally across from us. 

Cam and I have been playing a game for many years called "What is the ugliest thing at this show or who would buy that?"

And it was just like poetry that a woman with an identical pompadour showed up at two and she and her husband purchased the hideous thing.

Was just like looking in the mirror for her.

More later.

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