
Sandhill crane

Friday, December 29, 2023

J Street Blues

I was talking to a Jewish friend the other day, who happens to be a rabbi and also has been active in the J Street movement. J Street is interested in promoting peace in the middle east and getting an immediate cease fire in Gaza. They also talk about removing Hamas from operational control in Gaza.

And I told him that I could never sign on to the J Street mandate because Israel is dealing with an enemy that is sworn to their annihilation and destruction. 

Not that Israel has not made numerous mistakes and I am not saying that their hands are entirely clean here but I have seen videos of the hatred that is preached to the children of Gaza in their earliest grades of school, they are taught that martyrdom and violence is the way to heaven. 

Judith Weinstein
He said that is just Hamas, that can't be the entire populace of Gaza. And I asked him, how he could be so sure? And he said that he could not but he had to believe as a human being that many of the people there were innocent.

I would like to think that he is correct but I also think that he is under a western conceit and prejudice that wants to see the world a certain way. Everybody is essentially good. But I am not so sure.

The people of Gaza elected Hamas and they have strong support. Stronger than my progressive friend wants to admit.  And it is rising. I find it hard to believe that the people of the area do not know exactly where the command centers are, be they under schools or hospitals. I have been writing about Gaza for over fourteen years, feel free to look at my blogs. I have no doubt that they are committed to Israel's destruction. Once again.

The military on Tuesday published a recording of a Hamas terrorist who took part in the October 7 onslaught in southern Israel bragging to his parents of slaughtering Jews, as Israel continues to put out further details from the murderous assault earlier this month.

In the call, the man can be heard excitedly telling his parents that he is in Mefalsim, a kibbutz near the Gaza border, and that he alone killed 10 Jews.

“Look how many I killed with my own hands! Your son killed Jews!” he says, according to an English translation.“Mom, your son is a hero,” he later adds.

His parents are heard praising him during the call. Identified by his father as Mahmoud, the terrorist says he is calling his family from the phone of a Jewish woman he’s just murdered, and implores them to check his WhatsApp messages for further documentation.

Both sides, Palestinians and Israelis, know that they are in a war with each other and a proxy war with Iran and both sides are thinking about the long game.

Yehudit Waiss

Now the entire progressive left has turned a blind eye to Hamas atrocities against Israelis. Young children, kids at a concert, old people in wheelchairs, the occupiers all had it coming. Young children were kidnapped, infants as old as 10 months taken. Women raped and sexually mutilated. The U.N. agency turns a blind eye to the atrocities or praises them.

Some members of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees have expressed praise for the atrocities committed by the Hamas terror group on October 7, according to a Monday report by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) organization.

The report details social media posts by numerous Gaza- and West Bank-based members of UNRWA, which provides welfare and humanitarian services for Palestinian refugees from the 1948 and 1967 wars and their descendants. The posts by staff members, including teachers and educational staff, expressed praise or approval of the October 7 onslaught, during which thousands of terrorists murdered 1,400 people in Israel, mostly civilians massacred amid brutal atrocities, and abducted at least 245 to the Gaza Strip.

Not a fair playing field. No one to break bread with. And these guys teach for the United Nations.

Afaf Talab, another Gaza-based UNRWA teacher living in Gaza City, posted a video on his Facebook page on November 4 in which the Hamas massacre was described as the “first real victory” on the way to “liberating” all of Palestine, while praising the destruction of Israeli communities with “1,000 men in 3 hours” causing “entire cities emptied out in one night.”

Talab also posted a supplication to God on his Facebook page on October 23  which incited against Jews. The word Jews was misspelled, possibly deliberately in order to avoid automatic detection by Facebook algorithms.

“God repay [the enemies] for their evils, God make their actions be their destruction, God handle the Jews [misspelled] and their supporters, please God, Amen,” Talab posted.

Roger Waters, Susan Sarandon, Greta Thunberg, Brian Eno, Omar, Tlaib, AOC, everybody on the progressive left gets to pile on regarding the "evil Israelis." They can defend themselves but only so far.

Two articles to read this week, I hope that you can get through the paywall. ‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7 at the New York Times and Freed hostage Mia Schem: ‘I experienced hell. No innocent civilians in Gaza’ at the times of Israel.

It makes you wonder who these people really are? Hostage Judith Weinstein did not deserve to die and neither did the rest of the people who were killed, raped and sexually molested and desecrated. 

Noa Marciano
Why would Israel suspend its operations in Gaza if the balance of hostages were not released?  How should Israel have responded to the unprovoked attack that killed 1200 innocent people and took 250 hostage?

How would you react if it was your family and your country?

What is the endgame? Why is the left blind to Jewish suffering? Did these women and children deserve to die, in an attack that Hamas has promised to repeat? Do you think you can parlay with these people?

1 comment:

Finest said...

With UNRWA the United Nations (except Israel and the US) have a huge financial stake
in keeping Gaza unoccupied...an estimate of 1Billion is the budget with a big fat chunk going to Hamas, all of it grifted from the world's antisemites. Without Hamas in Gaza the UN's haul would be eliminated. That is the reason for the continuing resolution after resolution calling for a ceasefire and blaming Israel. The UN is a racket.

Consider this: from Rhode Island a militia crosses the border into Connecticut and
slaughters 1200, wounds 4000 and takes 240 hostages back over the border. What does
Connecticut do? Nothing.

Because Rhode Island operates under the rule of law...it rounds up and imprisons the militia and sets the hostages free. But in Gaza there is no rule of law. The 'militia' IS the law. For any justice to be meted out that entity has to be eliminated. By any means necessary. However long it takes.

And Gaza is Hamas.

Yonatan Netanyahu