
Sandhill crane

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Wet Wednesday

Leslie Sommers Rainbow Shot

Twelve years ago I wrote a blogpost on the dangers of putting euphorbias in public walkways. It is actually still one of the most viewed posts I have ever written, even though some of the links are extinguished.

In any case, we have had a fire stick euphorbia in front of the jewelry shop for several years and I have been begging people to remove it, with no results. If the branches are broken and the sap gets in your eyes you are going to the hospital and it is going to hurt like hell.

Yesterday a lovely woman was tending the plants in the containers on the street with another guy for the Fallbrook Beautification Project and I repeated my now tired soliloquy about removing it. She smiled and I went back inside my shop.

Not twenty  minutes later I went outside and the plant was already cut down and bagged, the pot now being replanted with something much more benign.

I didn't catch the lady's name, I know that she is a Fallbrook native with the maiden name of Kerr. She knew my ex. I really appreciate her quick response and thank her so much for being responsive to what I consider constituted a real public safety hazard.

Thank you!


Another thank you to Renee from Carlsbad who bought four of my bird photographs from the library today! Thank you Renee.


Leslie had to go to Rite Aid tonight. Pulling out onto Mission, for some reason she held back rather than entering traffic. It is a good thing, at that moment two cars ran the red light from opposite directions. It has become epidemic around these parts. Yesterday in the morning a car ran the light at Alvarado and t-boned a sheriff's car. If she would have pulled out it could have been a disaster.

People need to chill and observe some very basic rules of driving and manners.


I caught Robin and Dave playing at the library yesterday, with my photos and other artwork in the show as a backdrop. 

Her voice has never sounded better, she was holding notes beautifully, singing with a lot of passion, emotion and intensity. Much appreciated. 

Dave is, of course, also a supreme musician and guitar player. They played to a packed room and it was good to see. And hear.

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