
Sandhill crane

Monday, November 27, 2023

It's all too much...

I am incredibly tired, no days off for about two months and having completed three shows in quick succession.

So I am honestly wiped out.

A woman called this morning asking me if I remembered that she was coming in Saturday to look at a sculpture and a Toulouse Lautrec print that has unfortunately already sold. This is sort of traumatic as I have about a hundred or so extra paintings on the floor with no place to put them and it normally takes ten days to two weeks to sort it all out.

I attempted to carve some navigable paths this morning, with some small success but then a picker stopped by with a Chinese abstract that might have real value and that I had to buy. Jeesh.

Yesterday I purchased a great maritime painting by New Jersey artist Warren Sheppard (1858-1937). Both yesterday and today's paintings need significant restoration.

I got up at four in the morning and wrote a to do list for myself for the day, almost got everything done but there is nothing left in the tank so I will idle away a few minutes writing.

Tomorrow is another day and hopefully I can make a serious dent and push. Next three days will be very interesting.


Sunsets and sunrises have been very pretty in these parts of late.  I haven't touched the camera in a month so the phone will have to do.

This was a Santa Barbara morning shot from Motel 6. They get such beautiful cloud displays off the mountain up there.

And an early morning shot of the creek after my six o'clock walk to Albertsons.

I got a Rembrandt drypoint etching at the show, the Triumph of Mordecai from 1641.

I need to find out when it was printed.

If you haven't heard of him, he was a hell of an artist.

Our hostess at Thanksgiving was wearing the funniest apron, at least I thought so. 

She let me take a shot and I obscured her identity somewhat.

Have I posted this yet? Too true...

Melanie sent me this, which is sort of funny but maybe not...


What else? 

Oh ya, this is the breakfast I had with James and Alyssa at Morts in Tarzana, an old school deli.

This isn't even everything. Two lox and whitefish platters, cheese blintzes, waffles, eggs and pea soup.

What did I forget?

Oh ya, they never brought the pickles...

What else?

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