
Sandhill crane

Sunday, November 26, 2023

I posted this on NextDoor:

The South American Palm Weevil is on its relentless four year march up through San Diego and North County. It has destroyed huge numbers of beautiful Canary Island and Phoenix Reclinata Palms from North Park to Rancho Santa Fe and is now in Cardiff. Soon it will be in Fallbrook if it is not already here.

You need to fight this pest preventively before it hits, once it infects your tree it is too late. I applied the second regimen of the systemic insecticide this morning to the base of the well watered trees. This needs to occur every few months to ward off the intruder. Be vigilant! According to UCR, it can go after jubeas, bismarkias and mexican blues too as well as a host of other palms. Best to protect everything.

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