
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Wednesday fodder

There's way too much low hanging fruit for me to grab and I am feeling miserable physically. I think I will give you a few reading links rather than try to make much sense of anything right now.


The elitist arrogance of Samuel Alito, HuffPo

"Alito also forgets that Congress has the power of the purse. Each year, the court requests a budget, which Congress approves. If Congress cut the court’s budget in half, there’d be nothing the justices could do about it. While Congress must pay the justices’ salaries and cannot reduce them while that justice is in office, lawmakers aren’t required to give them money for staff. Imagine reducing the SCOTUS budget to the amount needed to pay the justices’ salaries, forcing them to do something novel: Their own research and writing. Now wouldn’t that be delicious!"


Ten most shocking revelations from the Trump Indictment - TPM - a handy primer for your Repub pals...

Ronna McDaniel was in on the conspiracy. TPM


The wellness to fascism pipeline - The Guardian


Are Republicans tired of the Trump show yet? - Bloomberg - I fear not but could be surprised. The middle conservative National Review has an article - Trump can't win.


Russia invades a sovereign neighbor and kills innocents with impunity but when Ukraine strikes back they are called terrorists.


From WP:


87 year old woman fights off intruder, then offers him snacks.


When the indictment went down I immediately checked in with the normal GOP legal talking heads, Turley, McCarthy and Dershowitz, and they were pretty much in predictable lockstep trashing it. Many are calling it a freedom of speech issue or framing the narrative as normal attorney client discussion.

But attorneys are not supposed to lie and malign innocent poll workers with no basis in fact, like they did in Atlanta and which Giuliani now admits to. They also should not suggest invoking the insurrection act to protect power after a coup, as Jeffrey Clark did. Should get very interesting.


Indicting the system that bred Trumpism - Kuttner, The American Prospect

..As the civil rights revolution has been reversed by right-wing administrations, police, and courts, African Americans have become more militant about defending and advancing rights. Others such as LGBTQ people have also demanded rights. The economic backlash against declining life prospects has interacted poisonously with cultural resentments. Instead of resenting the billionaires, people are cued to resent “wokeism.”

In this tinderbox, Trump was the match. The blowtorch, actually. Corrupted capitalism helped Trump in yet another respect. It gave him a distorted megaphone from the debased worlds of corporate entertainment and social media.

As a classic fascist, Trump could play the role of charismatic avenger, leaving his supporters oblivious to the contradictions. (Hold on, isn’t Aryan Hitler short and dark?) Isn’t this populist billionaire in reality a shill for huge corporations? Isn’t this ally of Christian piety a serial abuser of women? Isn’t he more corrupt than the establishment he attacks? Whadda guy! More power to him!!


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