
Yellow headed blackbird

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Funny headlines


Welcome to the Gulag!

Gaslighting 101. Why does he keep peddling this shit? Nobody wants to kill Trump, we want him to die all on his lonesome, maybe choking on a burger and diet coke. Guy doesn't need any help. I get that you need a martyr...

And if that one didn't work, there would have been another. Surprised it took as long as it did...

I am not in the prediction business but if I had to guess what would come down with all these indictments a year from now it would be this. Democrats will get 85% of what they were looking for. And they won't be happy. Republicans will also not be happy. Nobody will be happy, everyone will be angry and we will be even more at each other's throats. The gulf between red states and blue states will only get wider but one day the people in the red states will wake up and find that there are no doctors left to deliver babies and fix sick women. They are already leaving. And the folk there can go back to leeches and barbers and snake handlers and drinking bleach and lynching and nascar and fag baiting and polluting and the rest of us can go on with our lives.

Loved John Eastman's latest bombast that people have every right to overthrow their government. And the government and the people who don't feel the same way you do have every right to resist. But you don't have the right to beat up Capitol Policemen in your revolution, John. They didn't sign up for that and they are not acceptable collateral damage.

"A 2006 Supreme Court decision determined that wetlands would be protected if they had a "significant nexus" to major waterways. This year's court decision undid that standard. The EPA's new rule "removes the significant nexus test from consideration when identifying tributaries and other waters as federally protected," the agency said."

And poof, half of our wetlands protections are now gone! Thank you Pacific Legal Foundation. May your families, along with those of the majority SCOTUS, drown in a sea of pollutants and contaminants that you would so casually poison the rest of us with...

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