
Sandhill crane

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Tesla won't tell


He died of hypothermia on the job in Texas. Tesla didn't report it. - American Prospect


I have a lot of friends that love their Teslas. They are great cars. Yet I do not believe I would ever buy one, personally, even if I could afford one, knowing what I know now about their mad inventor. Brilliant, but he lies like a certain ex president and seems to be a very malicious man. A man who doesn't treat his employees and contractors very well.

I knew something was amiss when he said that the thai cave rescuers were a bunch of pedophiles but it only got worse when I saw what has happened on his watch at Twitter with his disdain for his employees and vendors across the board, which seems to happen in all of his ventures. People around him are disposable, very Trumpian.

He has faced multiple lawsuits for racial discrimination at his workplaces. Hate speech and antisemitism has increased exponentially on the Twitter platform since his purchase. He is now rubbing shoulders with the worst of the worst as he has veered to the hardest of right.

His SpaceX ventures are turning into an environmental disaster. He is hard pressuring Bolsa Chica residents to sell their properties and building a company town

Elon Musk, for all his genius, is a very nasty and dangerous man. When he got his plugs he evidently lost his soul.

Don't support dangerous people. Buy the mustang next time.

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