Monday, May 29, 2023

Pete R.I.P.


I was saddened to get the call yesterday that Pete Wendland had passed. His daughter Jessie called me. I believe that he died Saturday morning. He had been suffering from various maladies for a long time.

Pete was a great guy, an Orange County dude if I remember correctly, Santa Ana High. He was a surfer, guitar player and car guy. 

He sold Nova parts and was known far and wide as Parts Pete. 

The picture above is from a day we judged the Fallbrook Vintage Car Show together. 

He was a long time member of my coffee group.

I was just thinking of Pete the other day, trying to remember who I went to the Allman Brothers, Doobie Brothers show with? It was him. His wife had scored us tickets.

He liked hard rock and I don't think he owned a pair of pants or shoes. Don't remember if he liked the Chantays or the Rhythm Rockers but he was an old Rendezvous Ballroom guy and loved his surf rock.

Second Pete W. I have lost this month. This is bullshit. I hate losing so many of my friends.

Pete kept fish, dogs and a big old African spurred tortoise named Donatello. Loved his daughters, wife and grandkids. I enjoyed going over to his place when I still could. 

You wake up one day and you are either dead or the only one left.


Blue Heron said...

I’m so sorry to hear about Pete. Such a cool guy. Loved his chill demeanor. He may have been the pioneer of Calif Cool. Such a classic guy. RIP.
I agree. I’m tired of losing good people.

Debbie Ramsey

Blue Heron said...

Unable to sign in to your blog today… still in Ireland.

Very sad to hear of Pete’s passing. Enjoyed his company. humor and smile over the years.

James O'Donnell

Sanoguy said...

I am sorry to hear of Pete’s passing. Nice guy, old surfer… we shared a number of surf tales… originally from South Africa. I have not seen him for a long time. He kept very close to home the last few years. RIP Pete!

Liz said...

I would love it if the two of you come visit before I pass on. Not sure if I am getting another surgery on Tuesday or not.