Sunday, May 28, 2023

Happy and Sad

I am happy that the Speaker and President got together and averted a debt ceiling, to the consternation of the radicals on both fringes. The Progressives and MAGA right both overestimate their own political power. The easiest thing would have to let them drive this over the cliff, like a big game of chicken. 

But cooler heads prevailed and that makes me feel good. Politics is the art of the possible. Not perfect but the political winds do not support any one side's idea of perfect. If both extremes despise it it is probably not all that bad.

We got a compromise both sides can live with. Thank you Kevin McCarthy and Joe Biden for getting it done.


I am also happy that the Texas GOP had the balls to go after their piece of crap Attorney General, Ken Paxton. This is a watershed moment and I salute them for fighting Cruz and Trump and the Republican establishment and impeaching this vermin.


On the sad side of the equation is the Supreme Court, who just whacked the Clean Water Act. They want you to think this is about little ma and pa land use decisions but it is really about opening the door for corporate polluters and denuding the only protection we Americans have. They will continue to dismantle the "administrative state" and we are all in serious trouble.

As the congresswoman for New Mexico’s 1st District and a water resources professional, I know that the Supreme Court’s decision will have far-reaching consequences for our state and the communities I represent. With this decision, about 93 percent of our streams and waterways in New Mexico will lose protection from polluters. Countless communities who live near small rivers and waterways across the United States will see them polluted without consequences. It’s wrong. And it runs counter to everything our communities have fought to achieve for generations.  

Never in American history have we seen a Supreme Court majority so at odds with the American people and our fundamental rights: the right to clean water, the right to make decisions about our own bodies, tribal sovereignty, and the right to vote.

 A pox on this court and their families. May they meet their just desserts.


I am also happy to see the Ukrainians putting the hurt now and again on Russia. Isn't if funny that Russia can try to gobble up its sovereign neighbor but the Ukrainians venture an attack on Russia and suddenly they are terrorists and the Russians scream holy hell. How dare they...

The Iranians have now been caught red handed supplying drones to the Kremlin. They are not our friend.


The LIV golf tournament players all have a little of Adnan Khashoggi's blood on their hands and in their wallets too.


Back to happy. I saw the baby hawk fly for the first time this morning, about a twenty foot glide to the shrub. My camera was in my other vehicle so I wasn't able to capture it.

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