Thursday, May 4, 2023

Good news!

I believe that I have very good news on the cancer front. My doctor has not confirmed this with me personally but the recent biopsy reports were texted to me and I believe they are the best I could have hoped for.

Non-invasive, low-grade and not in the muscle or lamina wall. I think this is the best news I could have hoped for, especially since I was stage 4, in the wall two years ago.

It sounded like it would be worse during the cystoscopy. I am very relieved. I was literally prepared for anything and everything.

Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes. I am going to have to stay vigilant forever but hopefully it will be with less drama next time.

Doctor just texted, wants me to get some more bladder treatment. (bcg?) Will talk to her tomorrow.


Scrota said...

We soldier on!


Ken Seals said...

That's fantastically good news Robert! I'm really relieved and happy for you. Z8 + 800mm in your future :-)

Lena said...


Jon Harwood said...

That is really good news, congratulations!

Margaret Harwood said...

I know how relieved you must have been reading this report.That word "noninvasive" carries a mighty load of stress relief. Good news indeed!


Kerr A. Lott said...

Good to know.

Julie Hardesty said...

Good news indeed! Happy for you Robert!

Jeff Nichols said...

Great news; good for you! Very happy for you.

Diane O said...

How absolutely wonderful! Such good news, we need you around here!

Sanoguy said...

Good news, for sure!

Valerie Tate said...

Very good news and I am still optimistic that a total reversal/miracle/total remission is in your future!!! You are such a treasure...and we definitely need you around for many years to come!!! XOXO