Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Candice's Owls

One of my Next Door readers let us know that she had a mother owl and three babies on her property in Temecula. I asked if I could come by and shoot and she graciously assented. 

I drove out this morning after she did a visual check to see if they were still there, in the trees near her barn. Just a really lovely place, with horses, burros and alpacas all having fun in the ring on this nice warm day.

I espied the mother bird but it would be a little bit of a trek on the hillside so I pulled the longer, smaller zoom out.

The picture wasn't great but I knew that I could do better and went back for the prime.

When I finally found my good vantage I spooked the owls a bit and they flew off. 

I managed to get a bunch more shots of them coming and going.

I haven't given everything a careful look but I am pretty darn happy with the photo quality and sharpness.

I had a strap break a week or so ago and had a camera hit the floor. I thought I was a goner but it appears it is functioning quite optimally.

I hope to return one day soon and get shots of the family together now that I know the lay of the place better.


Lena said...

FABULOUS owl shots. They have such beautiful faces!

Rebeca Randle said...

Oh my heavens what AWESOME shots!!! Yes, clear and bright! Thank so much.