
Yellow headed blackbird

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Best laid plans

I had great plans for March. 

This was the month between shows and I was going to get away to the mountains for some down time with my thoughts and my camera. 

The plan was to go to either Yosemite or the Eastern Sierras or even Kings Canyon and the Sequoias.

Sadly, with fifteen foot snowdrifts in the parks, I think it is looking like I will be laying low instead. 

Everything will be too hard with chains and weather and I think I will work on getting my shop back together instead. 

Really can't even walk through the place right now and I need to get my inventory on line.

And then I threw my back out the other day. Not sure what I did but this is the first day I can even walk. 

I am loaded up on ibuprofen and a muscle relaxant and will have to wait until I feel a bit better before I really tackle this mess.

So I am in a holding pattern. There are times when you just have to surrender, you can't always set the terms in this life, have to take it as it comes.

Perhaps I can get a side trip in, maybe the Salton Sea. Grand Canyon is out, too much snow there too. I thought about driving to San Ignacio or San Quintin but not sure it is smart to do it on my own and it is a far piece.

We will see.

1 comment:

Lena said...

Sorry about your back! How bout out to Borrego for the day shooting desert blooms and the birds?