
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, January 30, 2023

Mere coincidence? I think not. Canine paybacks...

Do you not see a pattern here? Just who is in the doghouse? It used to be, you feed them a little kibble, pat them on the head, throw them an occasional frisbee and you had nothing to worry about. 

Those days are over pal. These days, you get on Rover's bad side and they are bringing the heat. The headlines are more and more frequent. Your basenji just might have a bone to pick or a score to settle and god help you if you don't see it coming...

A good dog having a bad day. It happens...

Dog says sorry, was just trying to scare him

So why was it sold to the nice Korean family then?

Unloaded. Isn't that what they all say? The dog thought the gun was unloaded...

Karma's a bitch...

Wise up, fellow humans. 

There have been way too many of these types of stories lately. 

Vizsla's with vendettas. Great Dane's with grudges. Poodles seeking payback.

Could there be a large canine conspiracy lurking among us? 

Beware, Fido has certainly been settling scores of late and I, for one, do not think he's finished yet.

By the way, only two cases of a cat shooting a human that I can find. Cat shoots man. Cat shoots man with a 9mm handgun. So who's your real best friend?


Michael.G said...

I always keep your work private, but in this case, I'd really like to share. Is that okay?

Blue Heron said...
