
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, December 5, 2022

2022 submissions from the Blast readership (so far, keep them coming)

My backyard after the Sonoran monsoon - Terry DeWald
Apollo Theater, New York - Sue Calvin

Elephant Temple, Chiang Mai - Ron Holder

The spirits are about to speak - Victoria Roberts
Comic-Con 07-22-2022: Sabertoothed Lynx hall costumer with unidentified attendees. - Will Chandler

Bougainvillea - Jon Harwood

I was torn this year, but this is a pigeon flying in front of sculpture at Seaport Village. No color adjustments at all, just a little bit of contrast to bring up clarity. - Roy Cohen

Linda and her cousin at the Grand Ol Opry in Nashville - Linda Kohn Sherwood
My granddaughter Jude, Hana Hawaii - Jerry Hall

Douglas Garn
Kerry Brown

Emotion - Fallbrook Music Society - Mike Reardon

Boboli Gate - Kip Peterson

Aerial panorama “The Gooseneck” on the Colorado River downstream of Moab, UT. - Ken Seals
Baja toes - Jill Cole

Sixth grade volleyball champion and her dad - Michael Loughlin

“Peace and a VW bus”
Vista 2022, Muscles on Main Car Show - Debbie Ramsey

Chiapas, Mexico - Bernadette Olsen

Costa Rica view - Ralph Chaney

White owl in Sabino Canyon - Terry DeWald

Hummingbird on the patio - Nigel Turner

Lift off - Mark Sublette

Joan McKee

Candadisa, Bali - Helen McHargue

Georgia O Keefe sky, Santa Fe - Ron Winters

Bodie - Linda Wilson

Thai Glory - Richard Neuman

Cool Cat, window at cannabis shop, Chiang Mai - Lena Leichtling

A World of Peace - Carol F. Schmidt

Carol Zaleski

Frisbee sunset - Dominick Grossi

My Colorado backyard - Laurie Sommers Tait

Foggy desert day, our morning hike - Steve and Susan Stoops

Male Forktail Damselfly
Northern New Mexico
© 2022 Wilbur Norman

New dog - Jeff and Regina Barney

The roommates - Dave Jacobs
House of tomorrow, Palm Springs - Dave Dayen and Mary Jack

Michael Evans

Glenn Bray

Stephanie Boren

Leven Jester

San Miguel de Allende - Kent Borsch

Ladies and gentlemen, The Birds - Steve Saylor

Cabo - Jeff Nichols

Liz Sommers

One pink shirt, Venice - N. Dixon Fish

Pumpkin love - Vulture City Mine brothel in Wickenburg, Az - Mick and RoxAnn Ratican

Dorothy Stratton King - Heather Peck

The Thinker, Gatineau River, Quebec - Dave Blackburn

Cam Wilde

Soup of the day, Minneapolis Airport - William Warmboe

Dinnertime - Bob Schmid


Anonymous said...

Nice to see Stephanie represented, and thanks for the love. Jill Cole wins his hands down though! Jhciacb

Ken Seals said...

It's a pleasure to see so many nice photos!

KAT JOY said...

I've been so miserably busy taking care of my mom who had a rough go of a hip replacement leaving her unable to walk. I so much much forward to the day I can wake up without my mom calling to let me know she pooped.

Anyway, I forgot to send my favorite! But I did enjoy looking at them. One of my favorites is the pigeon flying in front of sculpture at Seaport Village. - Roy Cohen, And, Bodie, by Linda Colins. Is that some old asylum?

My cousin came by the house yesterday and could see how unhappy and tired I looked. Most days are not always that bad. Sometimes I eat a Gummie for anxiety and all my worries about what the fuck I'm going to do with the rest of my life lighten up.

So, my cousin asked me if she took care of my mom at her home for two moms would believe in God.
I said, "YES!" She looked back into my eyes, like in shock, or like she had just been given one of the greatest Christmas gifts ever.
And, asked, "Really!?" I said, "Yes! For two months!"

They all talk like they would do what Jesus would do, but they don't or can't for work reasons. They're like anyone else, it's all conditional.

Blue Heron said...

Kat, thank you for one of my favorite and definitely most honest comments of the entire year! I feel for you and what you are going through but I have a feeling that this is really going to be good for your creative growth for some reason. Pain seems to unlock the truth serum. Best to you.