Shawn from Thailand sends pics of bugs.
Which reminds me that I had a giant moth outside my shop door the other day.
I think any objective viewer would find mine far prettier.Ricardo sent this: Oklahoma semi truck full of dildos "lost its load."
The horror!
Ken Seals sends a nice rainbow shot from New Mexico.*
Terry DeWald handed out literacy t-shirts to his basket weavers on the Pima reservation. *America's dead podcast courtesy of Renee.
Jonathan Hill found an old Fallbrook photo on Facebook.
Babies and grass?
It seems you like Owls, so do we, so much so that we hired a wood sculptor to carve this Owl out of a Locust stump we left for that purpose. We fashioned it after the Metal frame Owls at the entrance of the Electric Forrest Music Festival in Michigan.
I was in the house and saw that a Bard Owl had landed on our Owl, I snuck out the Kitchen and took about 15 shots, when editing them I noticed this shot of a squirrel that had jumped up on the stump and looked up to its horror to find its two principal predators looking down at it!
Love that camper truck. Conestoga wagon meets rat rod? More Roma than RV.