Yellow headed blackbird
Friday, September 30, 2022
Jewish free zone, Berkeley? Oh wait, I got it, we don't hate jews, just Israelis and zionists. Which reminds me of - The safe space that became a viral nightmare, ASU. Who is the racist now, baby? * Bad neighbors - Rifle shots ring out from an Escondido plant nursery. * Faux Chevron ad. * Hurricane Ian will ruin insurers and homeowners. * Zodiac Killer mystery solved? *
Biden is the antichrist and feminists are witches promoting the work of the devil, or politics as usual in Pennsylvania. * Psychedelic decriminalization bill * Mormon lawns
I am an old fashioned guy. I put my pants on one leg at a time and I lace up my shoes in the same singular fashion.
Truth be told, I am having a hard time with this newfangled twenty first century.
Twenty two years in and I am still kicking and screaming.
Take the subject of footwear. I happen to have an unnatural attraction to an old pair of black tennis shoes that I got from the Sketchers Store. Comfy, memory foam, the real deal.
We went to the outlet to grab a pair the other day. Guess what?
The lace up shoes are now as officially dead as the dodo. Yes, you can get laces on your shoes, but they now serve no functional utility, they are merely a pointless design extravagance.
Now I don't know about you but I think if you have laces, you should be able to make a tie with them? Old school, right? Perhaps the younger generation that no longer can read cursive writing is also unable to tie their shoes and this is why lacing is suddenly verboten?
Got me.
Laces are suddenly vestigial, joining the necktie as something we wear without the least idea of why we do so, save that it is a necessary style or fashion statement.
I will do the slip on, if forced to with a gun to my head, ain't going to wear the fake lace number. Humans, why are you so pitifully stupid?
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Brush Creek Ranch
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Mirror Lake, Medicine Bow National Forest |
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early morning cloud formation |
We were fortunate enough to have been gifted the trip by some dear friends, one of whom was celebrating a "special" number birthday.
There were a host of activities we could sign up for but a lot of the stuff I wasn't really into. They don't specifically cater to photographers.
Archery, cattle drives, I am more about getting lost in nature and shooting pictures. So I hired a guide to give me a tour of the general layout. A couple guides and tours actually,
I jumped into her Ranger and we surveyed the 30,000 acre property, or at least a portion of it. Had a blast!
It was not long before I found this bull moose munching on the willows, not a daily occurrence on the ranch. I was lucky.![]() |
antilocapra americana |
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Mountain Bluebird |
Leslie and I had not been anywhere together in almost five years, maybe longer. Since Italy.
Cats and careers. So happy we were able to finally break away.
Second day we drove up to Medicine Bow and explored the National Forest.
Medicine Bow was named for the mountain manzanita tree that the native people found there that was used to make their best bows.
Local tribes included the Arapaho, Arikara, Bannock, Blackfeet, Cheyenne, Crow, Gros Ventre, Kiowa, Nez Perce, Sheep Eater, Sioux, Shoshone and Ute.
We discovered a lovely grove of aspen on the fairly unused Barber Lake cut off road. The place is just magnificent, would look lovely in an early snow, not sure why I have never heard of it or explored it before?![]() |
red tailed hawk |
Excuses...It was early, it was dark and I missed a lot of shots. Brought two lenses, could have used four, including the sharp 400mm. Won't put that one on a plane, too valuable and delicate. Need to drive next time and nail it.
Did the best I could, considering, and had a good time. Will take a while to even look at, let alone process all these shots. Might be a keeper? we shall see...
Friday, September 23, 2022
Could have been a contender...
Most of you that know me, know that for all my many deficiencies, I have a really great memory and a good storehouse of trivial facts.
I guess my brain is wired somewhat differently than it is for most people. I even have vivid memories from my eighth month of life, which I believe is somewhat unusual.
The statute of limitations has passed and the decades have melted away so I guess I can spill a personal story that might make you laugh, who knows?
I believe that the year was 1984. Art Fleming had left Jeopardy in 1979 as did announcer Don Pardo, and after a brief John Harlan tenure, it was the new guy Alex Trebec and Johnny Gilbert.
Never liked Alex as much as Art but maybe it was because I was sore after my personal experience and ultimate failure or perhaps it was his politics or general attitude. Who knows?
I was involved in home building at the time and living in Rainbow. I moved there in 1980 with my then wife D. People who knew about my penchant for trivia were always telling me that I should try out for the game show Jeopardy.
So I did.
If my memory serves, and I believe that it does, I took a written test in a large building up in Hollywood. There were over two hundred applicants. The test had approximately 183 questions, very hard actually.
We went home and awaited the results. They got in touch with me, I had nailed a phenomenal score. I only missed three questions and they all had to do with opera, never my strong suit. Only two other people scored as high or nearly as high. We three were the only people that passed the test and were sent to the next level of testing.
We were called back to Hollywood a few weeks later for an oral interview. And I made a fatal mistake, you see I smoked a joint in the car to kill time for the boring early morning two hour drive. I was feeling very mellow. Too mellow.
When I got to the interview I was introduced to a black guy with a huge diamond on his pinkie and a John Shaft type beret over his immaculate fro, fluorescent polyester pants and shirt. City boy. I'm sitting there like a hayseed in my overalls. Hippie Jed Clampett.
He asked me to talk about myself and I took the absolutely worst tack possible. I tried to describe what it was like raising chickens on my avocado farm in Fallbrook. This went over with my intensely urban host like a fart in church. He was having none of the hippie hayseed going on about his backyard fowl. Bad move on my part, I could see his shutters come down fast. Failure to resonate.
I watched the next potential contestant do her thing, Miss bubbly and effervescent. She was giddy and enthusiastic, everything I wasn't, jumping and up and down and smiling like a Cheshire cat and the dude just ate it up. I guess you could say she did everything I should have done and you would probably be right but I was young and naive and thought that knowing all the answers was good enough.
Long story short, she got the gig, I was quickly shown the door and the rest was history. Failed the oral interview. I had my shot and I blew it, my chance at the big time went up in sativa smoke. Not enough to know it all, you have to be able to read the room. Branding and marketability was key and obviously the urban gent just could not relate to whatever the hell I was projecting at that point of my life.
Lesson learned.
Red Scare
Russian news outlet Izvestia reported that Anatoly Gerashchenko “fell from a great height” down numerous flights of stairs inside the Moscow Aviation Institute’s headquarters, according to The Daily Beast. The institute’s press office described his death as “the result of an accident.”
Ravil Maganov, who chaired Russia’s second-largest oil company, Lukoil, reportedly leaped to his death from the sixth floor of a hospital earlier this month. Billionaire Alexander Subbotin, a former manager at Lukoil, was found dead in May of an apparent heart attack in the home of a shaman, according to Newsweek.
Meanwhile, local news reported that Leonid Shulman — an executive at the country’s third-largest bank, Gazprombank — hanged himself in his cottage in January, according to Reuters. The next month, former Gazprombank executive Alexander Tyulyakov was also found hanged, the New York Post said.
Vladislav Avayev, a former vice president at the bank, was found shot to death in April next to the bodies of his wife and daughter. The following day, Sergei Protosenya — an ex-manager of Russia’s second-largest gas producer, Novatek — was found hanged in a Spanish villa.
Thus far, authorities have not said that foul play caused any of the men’s deaths.
Sounds like an awful lot of bad luck, huh? I was thinking about China's premier now cementing his status as "Dictator for life." First Putin, then XI. And you know what, if Trump had actually won the last election, we probably would be facing the same thing here right now. The man who could not get off the stage. Orange President for Life. Think McCarthy or McConnell would utter a peep?
Russia is holding sham referendums in four areas, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk and Luhansk, in order to eventually annex them into the motherland and protect the rights of Russian speakers in the eastern Ukraine.
Can you imagine if Mexico started fighting to reclaim Chula Vista and Imperial Beach in order to "save" the Spanish speaking population there? My guess is that we wouldn't like it too much. Stand with Ukraine.
It is quite possible that the internal Russian reaction to the mass mobilization is the tipping point to bring the feral Putin down, could not happen soon enough. "How do I break my own arm?" was one of the hottest search phrases on the Russian internet yesterday, I don't think the citizenry is really down with Vlad's expansionist pursuits. Costs the equivalent of about $9k to get out of Russia yesterday, probably a lot higher today.
Russia is threatening to use nuclear weapons to end the conflict, I believe that it would be the last thing they ever did.
ISUPK gathering - Chicago
When we were in Chicago I chanced upon this group from the Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge. They are part of a larger movement of Black Hebrew Israelites, who believe that they are true descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel. Anti white, anti gay, anti semitic, black supremacists, I guess it takes all kinds.
I have seen members of this group get pretty loud and nasty in New York, this gathering was pretty tame, comparably.
Thursday, September 22, 2022
By nature
Probably most of you are aware that the New York Attorney General is alleging that ex President Donald Trump and three of his kids fraudulently deceived his lenders by inflating the value of his real estate holdings, not just a little but at times by a factor of nine or ten. He not only fudged on the stated value, up or down, depending if he was talking to a tax man or a banker but also on the square footage of the properties. Trump valued his Fifth Avenue penthouse at $327 million dollars (a price never paid before for a NYC apartment) but he also inflated the actual square footage to three times its actual size.
“We found that Trump, his family, and the Trump Org used fraudulent and misleading asset valuations over 200 times in 10 years on his annual financial statements. These statements were then used to obtain hundreds of millions of dollars in loans and insurance coverage.” Letitia James
In typical Trump fashion, he is blaming the lenders for his falsehoods, he says that they failed to do their due diligence. Basically, it was their fault for believing him in the first place. And in the end, everybody got paid, at least according to 45. Cheating is evidently a time honored part of the game, expected really.
...in an interview with Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity, Trump said his company’s financial disclosures warned banks not to trust the information provided.
“We have a disclaimer right on the front,” he said, that warned banks: “‘You’re at your own risk.’ … ‘Be careful because it may not be accurate. It may be way off.’ … ‘Get your own people. Use your own appraisers. Use your own lawyers. Don’t rely on us.’”