
Yellow headed blackbird

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Countdown to EEP HOUR


In a way my life is still measured in six month increments. I blissfully go my merry way until the bi-yearly cancer checkup. With my history there is never any surety. One has to be emotionally ready for anything. Lost my friend Allan last night after a long term battle. He fought the good fight. Sucks, so unfair. The most wonderful person. I was telling somebody that I laugh whenever I hear a person say they beat cancer. Well, knock on wood.  After thirty eight years of back and forth with the big ugly c I know enough to know that you can hold it at bay and that is pretty much it. Hope for a truce. You never stop looking over your shoulder or I never have anyway.  Cystoscopy tomorrow afternoon. Been hard to focus today for some reason. I feel pretty good, think everything will be fine.


I created the composite collage this afternoon and had to laugh when I was finished. The alligators and the clock made me wonder if I was subconsciously channeling Peter Pan. Onwards to tomorrowland! Not intentional...


Nancy said...

Many people are praying for you, Robert.

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts to you, Fallbrook definitely needs your presence.

Anonymous said...

Good luck!