
Sandhill crane

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Blowing up in Burkino Faso

I think the iron curtain may have ratcheted down on my blog in Russia. Still doing well in China (for now.)  I follow these things pretty closely through analytics. I usually have hundreds of Russian hits, it was 10 today. Quite odd. 144 from China, albeit a very slow day.

Funny, we had four hits from Burkino Faso today. Love you guys down there, thanks for reading. 

In the old days of Feedjit I could track this stuff much more accurately. Did you know that I was once a rockstar in Ulaanbaatar? True that. Early days of the blog.

Like a god in Mongolia. You can have Portugal, if I have to move, I know where my homeboys live. Maybe Burkino Faso. Let me ogle Ouagadougou Lord, before I finally expire.

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