Friday, May 27, 2022

Aigle flies on Friday...

I got my hair cut today over at my favorite barber shop, Traskilo. You get the whole shebang there for so cheap, hot towel, massage, eucalyptus facial. 

My preferred haircutter is Mario, a Guatemalteco from a large family of barbers. Guy is excellent and his english is getting better.

As I rose up to pay, I got waved off. The nice gent in the next chair loved our conversation about food and had paid for my haircut.

That has never happened before.

What a great place and what a cool guy!


On my walk there I noticed that the shop down the road is selling pants with holes in them.

For a pretty penny no doubt. 

I have been in Fallbrook so long I remember when we actually wore the holes in our own jeans. Forgive us, we didn't know any better. Now we pay people good money to tear holes in them.

World is changing. The guy who works there favors distaff apparel. Two young guys walked out of Main Street Cafe with dresses and sensible purses the other day as I walked in.

To each their own I guess. Or is it improper for me to even notice or bring it up? I just don't think he had the legs for that particular shift but good on him/her/they for trying.


Stuck my head into Little C's Tattoo Shop the other day. My friend Lynn was there getting a new ink job. Caught this shot of her in the mirror. First time for me in the shop. He is a really good artist and I liked checking out the excellent collection of tattoo flash on the walls.


What else? Bought this cool Neptune painting the other day. Haven't figured out out the artist yet but I like the way the Sea King and fish are stylized. Would look great in the right house or restaurant. Needs a cleaning.

Tom and Poseidon
Thing is quite large, will be quite inexpensive by the square inch. Bought it at the mall in Oceanside that I am vacating. Was a favor for a friend but not a good fit for me.


My ability to perform tasks is at about 25% of last year. Trying to put the pedal to the metal but just not accomplishing what I need to get done. Better get a tail wind soon... Never got Covid and can't be getting any older, not sure what is up?

1 comment:

shawnintland said...

Barbershop story is so cool Rob! Verbal-blogging pays off!